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Bernie Sanders on Twitter: No major U.S. company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection more than Trump’s casino empire in the last 30 years.

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: No major U.S. company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection more than Trump’s casino empire in the last 30 years. submitted by progress18 to hillaryclinton [link] [comments]

Official Cayo Perico Heist DLC Megathread!


Well, it's here, the official, full length trailer for the new DLC.
Link to Newswire post.
" Cayo Perico is not only the nerve center of El Rubio’s drug empire, but the island also plays host to his other great love: marathon dance parties on golden beaches, where everyone from jetsetters and heiresses to legendary music producers gather to rave until the sun comes up.
But away from the beach’s earthly delights lies an untold fortune in art, gold and drug money, scattered across the island. It’s the score of a lifetime for those who can find a way in.
The Cayo Perico Heist is the biggest GTA Online adventure ever and will be available on December 15th. Stay tuned for more details, and check out the lineup for The Music Locker, Los Santos’ hottest new underground club that’s opening soon."

Information released on new radio stations and artists on December 10th!

Link to Newswire post
"Alongside the grand opening of The Music Locker and its new slate of resident DJs, GTA Online’s musical universe further expands at the launch of The Cayo Perico Heist with the addition of three new radio stations, as well as brand new mixes arriving on hit stations FlyLo FM and Worldwide FM, for a whopping total of over 250 new tracks, making this the biggest ever musical update to GTA Online."

Link to Discussion Thread on the New Dance Club

Link to the Tweet
Link to Newswire Article

We will be restricting all discussions of this DLC here, so as not to flood the sub with repetitive posts.

Other important links:
Weekly Simple Question Thread
Weekly Update Thread
Wiki Guide Writers Needed!
Upcoming Crew Event on December 15th!
Upcoming Charity Event!

Important information about gtaonline on the Cayo Perico DLC release day.

On December 15th we will be locking the sub, and all posts will have to be manually approved by the moderators. The reason is to control the flood of posts regarding the new DLC.
We will have a new Megathread up that morning for posts regarding the DLC, and most posts regarding the new DLC will be removed and directed to the Megathread.
The Megathread will be regularly updated throughout the morning of the DLC release with links to official information, and any important info on the DLC that comes out, like when the update is live for each platform, the payouts, vehicles, costs, etc... and may have a sticky post dedicated solely to the cost of the new vehicles, properties, etc...
Expect the lock-down of the sub to happen around, or slightly before, 5AM EST on the 15th.
We expect there to be hundreds of posts or more per hour that morning, so it may take the mods a bit of time to go through and approve posts that aren't DLC related, so we ask for some patience that day.

submitted by PapaXan to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Let's talk about Tillman Fertitta, the owner of the Houston Rockets, being exposed in a New York Times bombshell as having asked POTUS for special bailout favors during a VIP visit to the White House

"Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta rebukes Trump, stands by players"
The above headline is from the end of August, when the players (lead by guys like Fred VanVleet, Jalen Brown, and George Hill) decided to put a pause on the NBA playoffs to take a stand for social justice.
The article discusses comments made by Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta. Fertitta, who had been on the wrong side of the Hong Kong controversy last year, had apparently taken the right side for once. He stood by his players and "rebuked" the President's comments:
“I love that they all stood together,” said Fertitta, known best for his restaurant (Landry’s Inc.) and casino (Golden Nugget) empires. He was speaking in response to a question about the actions by NBA players.
Fertitta also pushed back against new comments from U.S. President Donald Trump, who said Thursday that it was “not a good thing” that the NBA had become “like a political organization.”
“Everybody has a right as an individual,” Fertitta said. “I think that is not a good statement. I don’t know why he made that statement.”
“It’s disappointing,” Fertitta added. “Everybody, right now, is somewhat of a political organization. That’s why we all need to work together to pull everybody to solve all these issues. I’m sorry he said that.”
Fast forward to October 10 when the New York Times dropped this bombshell. I won't get into the general details of the article as the purpose of this thread isn't political.
What's important is the following excerpt, sourced with comment from Walter Schaub on Twitter:
Schaub: This excerpt from today’s NY Times bombshell is horrifying. Trump tells Mnuchin to try to help a customer of his, emphasizing that the customer had never missed a payment to him.
NYT Excerpt: When he summoned restaurant executives to the White House in May to discuss the pandemic, they included Tilman Fertitta, a billionaire who had once operated a Rainforest Cafe in a Trump casino. Mr. Fertitta complained that bad publicity had forced him to return millions of dollars in federal aid intended to help strapped small businesses, according to a White House transcript. He asked that the administration create a second fund "for the larger private restaurateur."
No such fund would materialize, but Mr. Trump turned to his treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin. "Steve, what do you think about that?" he asked.
When Mr. Mnuchin was noncommittal, Mr. Trump praised Mr. Fertitta. "You've paid me rent for a long time," he said, adding that Mr. Fertitta had never missed a payment.
"Steve," he said, "it's an interesting case. OK? Do the best you can."
So in a VIP visit to the White House, Fertitta complained about having to return money that was meant for small businesses suffering from the pandemic and requested a special bail out be created for larger private restaurant owners. The President immediately implored his treasury secretary to "do the best you can" to work something out because Fertitta had paid him rent for a long time.
While Fertitta would want you to believe that he's a man of the people, that he "stood" with his players and rebuked comments from Trump in August, he had actually been chumming it up with the President and looking to curry favors behind the scenes for months before.
Edit: Clarification on the small businesses comment.
submitted by twistedlogicx to nba [link] [comments]

I Was Duped By Trump & Spread Pro-MAGA Conspiracies

[Full Disclosure: I posted this in /Confessions but it was immediately taken down. Probably due to a few keywords used below]
Let me start off by saying that I was never really into Politics before Trump vs Clinton. I voted in the election before it but it wasn't something that consumed more than a few day's thoughts. I guess you could say I was mostly apathetic about US Politics, thinking there was little anyone could do to influence the people in power that were power-hungry sociopaths lying and swindling their way into gaining more power. Then Trump came along in 2015 and when the GOP candidates used every trick in their Republican handbook to take him down, he didn't play by their rules. He said what every person was screaming at their tv. Jeb was weak, Cruz was a liar, and the real billionaires were all crooks.
It felt good to hear politicians be put in their places on live television in front of millions. They laughed at him as he moved past them in every debate. Then Hillary stole the primary from Bernie because it was "her turn", which again fueled the flames. Hillary was one of the most hated politicians in recent history, and for Trump to nail his "yeah, cause you'd be in jail" line, it again felt good.
Leading up to the election, every poll showed Trump losing by a landslide. Some projected he had a less than 10% chance of winning. When I sat in the voting booth, I didn't give it a second thought. I immediately marked by vote for Trump as a F*$K You to the system. "These are the two options you give us to lead one of the most successful empires the world has ever seen?" I thought. Later that night, I tuned in as the results starting coming in expecting Hillary to win by a decent lead. Before I knew it, Trump started closing in on battleground states, making it almost a close race. My friends and co-workers started texting me, asking if I was seeing this. "Can you imagine if Donald Trump actually won?"
And then it happened. Donald Trump was declared the 45th President of the United States. I was in shock. A failed casino and real estate mogul turned reality show host, actually convinced enough people to stick it to the man, and throw away your vote on him. He will now be the most powerful person in the world. It was both an extremely unnerving feeling, but it also felt like the underdog did it. Hillary dedicated her whole life to swindling her way to the Super Bowl, and fell on the one yard line with no time left.
A few weeks later, Trump's cabinet members were being appointed and the mainstream news starting blasting him for his selections. He was supposed to drain the swamp, and instead of filling it with the people that worked their whole lives to even be considered for that position, he filled them with people within his network. People that would be loyal to him no matter what. This should have been the first sign to me that he was headed down a very dangerous path. A path that our forefathers tried to warn us about. But I didn't see it that way. Again, I thought "well, I guess it's better than the people Hillary would have chosen."
As the years went by, I started ignoring all the negative things Trump said and did and following news sources that aligned with my views. "Yeah, he's not the best President we've ever had but the MSM is out to get him. Obama built the cages that Trump was accused of putting immigrant kids into. Trump's economy is the strongest we've ever seen. The stock market is up and black unemployment is at the lowest we've ever seen. Trump is making peace deals left and right, and no one will cover it."
Inch by inch, I started taking shelter in my echo chamber. To the point where I started to believe that there is a deep state that is trying to take him down because he's not going along with the elitist plans. No one could tell him what to do, he has always played by his own rules. Therefore the majority of politicians were trying to take him down with the help of social media censorship left wing narratives.
This last November, I stepped into the voting booth one more time with my mask covering my face, making sure I was at least 6 feet from everyone else, making sure not to touch anything around me. I once again, marked my vote for Donald Trump to fight against a system that Biden would proactively try to reverse. The election results started flooding in and it looked like he was on his way to win his second term.
Then the voting paused for the night and I woke up to Trump slowly losing every battleground state he had a strong lead in when I went to sleep. These last few weeks were some of my darkest days diving into conspiracy theories. "Dominion machines were being altered by outside influences, Republican poll watchers were not allowed to observe, secret tubs of ballots were being trucked in, dead people were all voting for Biden and not one court would listen to the thousands of affidavits saying they saw illegal activity."
Every day members of my friends and family would send me texts and dm's with more "proof" that the dem's stole the election and I just bought it. At first I questioned it, but my echo chamber sent me an overwhelming amount of articles and posts from patriotic websites and social media accounts that I have never heard of before, and I just chose to believe it. They kept telling me that it was going to get to the supreme court and his justices would side with him, or Congress was going to deny the electors, or Pence was going to decide for Congress. Every day it seemed like he had another out to catch them in their lies.
January 6th came and I couldn't wait to see if Congress would deny the states needed to certify this election. The members of the House and Senate went into their chambers to plead their case for the integrity of Arizona. I looked at my phone and saw a notification "Protestors have just broke through the barriers of the Capitol and are now inside the building." It seemed dangerous, but maybe it was enough to show members of Congress that they had a very important decision to make in order to uphold the integrity of our election. I turned on a live feed of protestors inside and outside the capitol to see what they were up to. I couldn't believe it, protestors actually made it into the chambers and were sitting in Pelosi's desk. It felt like a movie. The next thing I see on the live feed is a guy with blood on his hands and the lady filming asked him what happened and he seemed to be in shock. He said that a lady right next to him was shot in the neck and she looked to be in bad condition.
It was at that point I realized that this wasn't a group of pro-Trump protestors but actual domestic terrorists. They sieged the building that represents the backbone of our democracy. These weren't patriots fighting red coats. They were vikings, pot-bellied hillbillies and toothless savages. There was even a guy that was wearing a sweatshirt that said "Camp Auschwitz". I mean, where did you even buy Aushwitz merch from?? It suddenly dawned on me that these weren't freedom fighters, these were uneducated idiots that actually believed that COVID doesn't exist, and that the Supreme Court Justices all have black mail video evidence being held against them.
Then I got really scared. If these lunatics actually belief the most outrageous conspiracy theories, they might actually believe they are fighting to save this country. Which means that they could have weapons and explosives to take down everyone with them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
It was later reported that the woman shot in the neck had passed. I kept thinking about her and feeling bad. I assumed she was caught in the line of fire while trying to protest the electors. I woke up the next day and there was enough time for the internet detectives to find everything out about her. She uploaded videos where she was outraged at the deep state for taking over our country and that she was fighting for QANON. Then I saw another angle of the video where she was shot. She wasn't caught in the line of fire, she was actively trying to break into the chamber after officers had warned multiple times that they would shoot.
I'm ashamed to say that it took me way too long to realize that I had been bamboozled. I was siding with the lowest of lows and through the manipulation of social media and alt-right news networks, I fell for it all. If you would have asked me on January 5th, would you be in favor of Pence or Congress doing anything they can to keep Trump in power, I would have said Yes. On January 7th, it felt like a veil had been lifted. I no longer supported Trump or any of his counterparts. I used to be completely against the censoring of any social media in order to protect freedom of speech. Now, I fully favor Facebook and Instagram banning Trump and I hope Twitter follows suit.
Donald Trump literally summoned his supporters to DC, riled them all up with lies and demanded they take back the Capitol. And of course they did it, because the most powerful man in the world told them to. He brought reason to their low lives and they would have done anything for him.
Later that night a family member was sending me posts that "proved" the rioters were antifa, disguised as Trump Supporters. It didn't take me more than 2 minutes to research that that was a lie. I was done. I no longer have the time or desire to research every piece of "proof" that someone sends, trying to convince me that we live in a deep state world. If these elites were actually stronger and wiser than all of us, how did a shirtless Viking break into one of the most guarded buildings, in one of the most heavily policed districts, and casually take selfies in the seat of the 3rd most powerful person in the United States government
I would fully favor impeaching Trump tonight, and banning him from all communication outlets if I didn't think the crazies would attempt another attack. Now, I wish that he just fades away and is never seen of again. The damage is done, we cannot go back.
I don't expect anyone to read all of this, I just thought it would be therapeutic to write down my experience. If you did somehow read all of this, I'd like to offer an apology, although Im sure most would think it's too late for apologies. I never sent donations or purchased merch, or attended any rallies but I also never questioned any of the conspiracies that my friends and family sent (and ones that I would send to them). I can't take back my votes for the worst President in my lifetime, but I can assure you that at least one member of MAGA has left the party and will from this point on proactively try to unite this nation however possible that may be.
submitted by FinallyDumpedTrump to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

Your Pre Market Brief for 12/15/2020

WARNING: It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.

Your Pre Market Brief for Tuesday December 15th 2020

Brought to you by MoonGangCapital
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Published 2:33 AM EST / Updated as of 4:00 AM EST

Stock Futures:

Monday 12/14/2020 News and Markets Recap:

Tuesday December 15th 2020 Economic Calendar (All times are Eastern)

Overnight News Heading into Tuesday December 15th 2020

(News Yet to be Traded 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM EST)
It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.

End of Day and After Hours News Heading into Monday December 15th 2020

(News Traded 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST)
It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.

Possible Dip Buying Opportunities in the near future (Other suggestions appreciated):

Suggested Dip Trading Strategy

Offering News:


Other News & Analysis:

Upcoming Earnings:

COVID-19 Stats and News:

Macro Considerations:


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WARNING: It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the above before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.
submitted by Cicero1982 to MoonGangCapital [link] [comments]

Chapter by Chapter Summary of Comprehensive Research on Discrimination Against Men in Finland (PhD Thesis)

What can you do as an MRA?

Main Body - Here it is:

This is a chapter-by-chapter summary of Discrimination Against Men: Appearance and Causes in the Context of a Modern Welfare State, a 2009 doctoral dissertation by Pasi Malmi (University of Lapland) that provides an impressively detailed and balanced investigation of discrimination against men in Finland (the theory and results actually give almost as much detail on discrimination against women, although men will be the focus here).
Chapters 5 to 8 are the most important. Chapter 5 explains six biases that cause gender discrimination, chapter 6 delineates the patriarchal and matriarchal subsystems of Finnish society, chapter 7 examines the various discourses that justify discrimination against men, and chapter 8 analyzes a database of gender discrimination complaints made to the Finnish gender equality ombudsman, a third of which were made by men.
(Length: 1,800 words.)
Chapters 1 to 4 (introductory/background chapters)
Chapter 1 situates the perspective taken by the dissertation within gender studies. It rejects anti-feminist and anti-women perspectives, and the glorification of traditional masculinity and gender roles (e.g., the mythopoetic men’s movement). But it also rejects the “critical studies of men” paradigm, which sees men as the main causes of men’s and women’s problems, refuses to criticize feminism or women, and does not believe that discrimination against white, heterosexual, middle-class men exists (pp. 20–21).
Chapter 2 defines various relevant concepts, and explains that the findings from Finland are intended to be relevant primarily for the Northern European welfare states, and secondarily for other European and Anglo-American countries (pp. 32–34).
Chapter 3 gives a brief overview of current or traditional viewpoints on what causes direct or indirect discrimination or mistreatment of men: gender roles, hegemonic masculinity, industrial capitalism, feminism (specifically gender feminism and victimization feminism), and exploitative women (pp. 36-44).
Chapter 4 develops a theory of sociocultural evolution, which says that ideas that are simple, exaggerated, and coherent with popular paradigms generally win out over their rivals, regardless of whether they are true or backed up by evidence. This happens due to functional selection (p. 57), unintentional biases (p. 63), and interest group bias (p. 71), among other factors (see summary, p. 115).
Chapter 5: Applying the Theory to Gender Discrimination (p. 118)
This chapter develops a general theory of gender discrimination, centered on a typology of six different biases that cause gender discrimination (p. 127).
The masculine bias and feminine bias are unintentional gender biases caused by the processes that simplify, exaggerate, and mutate people’s mental memes or ideas according to their gender (p. 127). For example, a person’s conception of domestic work or childcare will be centered on their own experiences or contributions, which are partly determined by their gender, and so they will often downplay/exclude the other gender’s contributions (e.g., yardwork vs. housework) (pp. 135–138). As a result of these biases, segregated groups and networks of men or women tend to have a masculine-biased or feminine-biased culture of values, priorities, concepts, words, stories, jokes, stereotypes and beliefs that can lead to practices that discriminate against the other gender (p. 120). For example, a group of female social workers might decide that women are better custodians of children and default to recommending custody to them (pp. 141–142).
The masculist bias and feminist bias come from interest groups, networks, or movements seeking to advance the status of men or women, respectively. Masculism and feminism have sexist and anti-sexist branches (p. 143). The modern sexist branch of feminism includes theories like feminist standpoint epistemology (which gives special status to women’s feelings and intuitions) and the feminist theory of social work (interests of women and children are synonymous, social workers should identify with their female customers). It also includes stereotypes that women are unselfish, peaceful, responsible, loving, hard working, while men are the opposite (pp. 149–152). The anti-sexist branch of feminism by definition is less hostile towards men as people, but it is not necessarily able or willing to accept men’s issues: “[i]n general, the idea of the discrimination of men is perceived as bizarre by feminists” (pp. 155–158). The sexist branch of masculism is discussed primarily in the context of religion (pp. 144–129). The anti-sexist branch of masculism has little power, although it is discussed as sometimes being the source of biased statistics downplaying women’s issues (pp. 152–155).
The alpha male bias and alpha female bias are the biases of high status (wealthy, powerful, attractive, etc.) members of each gender against low status members of their gender. They are particularly apparent in high status men’s bias against male criminals (male judges giving harsher treatment, including sentences, to them compared to women) and high status women’s bias against female prostitutes (pp. 170–173).
A central point of this dissertation is that male-dominated and female-dominated organizations (the patriarchal and matriarchal subsystems) are prone to predominantly discriminate against the other gender, but it’s important to clarify that they’re not guaranteed to do so. The masculine and feminine biases (the unintentional “own gender” biases) are just two of the six biases. An organization could be more influenced by the ideological biases (masculist and feminist biases) or the biases against low social status people of each gender (alpha male and alpha female biases).
Chapter 6: Locating the Patriarchal and Matriarchal Subsystems of the Finnish Society (p. 188)
This chapter identifies Finnish society’s patriarchal and matriarchal subsystems by looking at various measures of power, including raw numbers, managerial positions, control of knowledge, and informal positions of power (p. 222).
Not all areas of Finnish society fall into one of these subsystems.
Chapter 7: An Empirical Examination of the Memeplexes, Discourses and Coalitions that Induce Discrimination against Men (p. 224)
This chapter analyzes the discourses that justify discrimination against men, coming from sources that include sexism and feminism.
Sexism: The development of the modern misandric versions of sexism is examined, including 19th century views of men as “barbarians whose urges had to be leashed in by the forces of decency—meaning women—if civilization were to survive” (p. 233), which it attributes to the joint interests of women and upper class men. Notions of chivalry and macho masculinity also lead to institutionalized belief systems where men’s comfort, health, and even lives are considered less important than women’s (p. 238). Macho masculinity, with its aversion to men “complaining”, tends to oppose talking about men’s issues or seeing them as relevant for gender equality (p. 306).
Feminism: Certain influential varieties of feminism see women as the disadvantaged and discriminated gender (p. 247). Thus the sole purpose of equality policy is women’s advancement (p. 256) and men are largely reduced to the role of defendant (p. 270). When faced with cases requiring a choice between promotion of equality and empowerment of women, many feminists reacted by rejecting equality as outdated or as a smokescreen for promoting men’s interests over women. Under these discourses, “the empowerment of women is more important than the advancement of gender equality in all contexts, including the matriarchal subsystem of the society” (pp. 259–260). That would apply even to women’s advantage in family courts and criminal courts (p. 305).
Also mentioned is a combination (and mutation) of difference feminism and equality feminism which says that “women are superior to men in many ways, but men are not superior to women in any ways” (p. 296)—which means that when men are ahead it’s because of sexism, but when women are ahead it is legitimate and natural.
The groups and alliances that justify misandry and discrimination against men (p. 334):
Chapter 8: Gender Discrimination, According to the Complaints Sent to the Finnish Equality Ombudsman (p. 346)
Complaints: This chapter analyzes 800 complaints of gender discrimination made between 1997 and 2004 and sent to the Finnish equality ombudsman (p. 348). Men were 33% of victims, according to the author’s suggestion for the best measure of actual discrimination in these cases (outcome types 3–5, p. 356). Labour market discrimination, the largest category, primarily involved women (76%), while the second largest category, discrimination against customers, primarily involved men (~60%).
Another category, discriminative legislation, primarily involved men (77%). Few complaints were made, but due to active conscription policies (lasting 5-12 months), almost all men in Finland are affected by discriminative legislation. The author classifies these complaints as discrimination, although the equality ombudsman does not, “as the Finnish equality law is not applicable to men’s obligatory military service” (p. 354).
Bias: Per chapter 6, equality policy itself is in the matriarchal subsystem of equality (e.g., 90% of employees in the equality ombudsman office are female, p. 354). The ombudsman has a policy not to comment on complaints involving custody and divorce, purportedly to not interfere with the court system, but the author suggests that it stems from a bias against men, perhaps due to prioritizing women’s status over equality or wanting to avoid a flood of complaints from men (p. 354). This is made more explicit by another comment from the ombudsman’s office saying that it is not taking action on certain cases of discrimination against men because “the main purpose of the equality law is to improve women’s status especially in the labor market”, suggesting that the law should be applied more strictly to cases of discrimination against women (p. 381).
Patriarchal & matriarchal subsystems: 57% of discrimination cases in the matriarchal subsystem of society (as defined in chapter 6) were against men, compared to 31% in neutral domains, and 17% in the patriarchal subsystem of society (p. 358).
Discrimination examples: Many cases of discrimination against women (e.g., a workplace that only required women to do extra cleaning tasks on top of their regular duties) are recounted on the same pages but we’ll look at men here.
Likely motives: Two alternative rating methods (tables 52 and 53) find that either (certain) feminist ideas are the most common motivators of discrimination against men, or sexism and the feminine bias are the most common motivators (feminine bias meaning unintentional gender bias of groups of women, counterpart to masculine bias of groups of men). Financial motives were also frequent (pp. 401-402).
SOURCE: https://becauseits2015.wordpress.com/2017/10/22/comprehensive-research-on-discrimination-against-men-in-finland/
submitted by mhandanna to LeftWingMaleAdvocates [link] [comments]

OfflineTV and Friends Minecraft Server Season 3.5: Stories and Info Drop - Return of Valkyrae and the Casino's Contract (Lore as of Dec. 8, 2020)

Since there's no post in the Minecraft server updates, I'll be sharing these few updates that I've witnessed in a story form as of December 8, 2020. I have only watched Rae's stream and some of Ludwig and Anne's stream for context.
Valkyrae's return
Valkyrae has returned to the same new lands after being away for weeks. Nobody knows for sure if she slumbered deep into her Sakura forest home just like Toast did or wandered through the foreign lands. But one thing is for sure - the land once she inhabited was unrecognizable to the point that she seeks the assistance of her neighbors to guide her into the newly shaped places.
Kktamina (Miyong), Ludwig's sidekick who went rogue and went to several adventures with Sykkuno after Michael the Robot Overlord has been missing for days, apparently discovered what might be an incident of child trafficking within the server (I hope this could be explained this incident by the original update provider), meet Valkyrae and wanted to bring her into her hideout. But Valkyrae lost her and Kktamina went on her own like always.
Along the way, she is reunited with her mentor Abe and rode the rollercoaster with him. She receives the wings that uses mana in order to fly around the server. She went into Grassjeli's floating islands, Sllepai's cricket vines, and arrives to the casino, where Abe and the rest of the residents get her addicted to Blackjack by encouraging her to play. Ludwig loaned her stacks of diamonds with interest charges while Abe just gave her stacks of diamonds to get her addicted to gambling. While playing, she was reunited with her skeleton horse that she found on her journey into this new world. Abe found the skeleton horse at some point in time and stored it into a bottle. She mentioned that she named the skeleton horse Boner.
She ended up with zero diamonds in the end and accusing the horse somehow of harboring bad luck. Abe, being in the Casino's leaderboard as the one with most diamonds on his casino card, gave her student his onw card to gamble. Not only that he teaches her Thaumcraft, but also he teaches her how to become a gambling addict as well. It ended up with Abe losing his diamonds in the process and have to play Blackjack to reclaim his lost diamonds.
Upon hearing from 5up (Tubbo's ally in previous life) about the potential of the bees, Valkyrae is now interested in beekeeping and asked Abe to learn beekeeping. Abe then told Valkyrae that he did tell her that he wanted to do that with her in the early days. No wonder Toast is obsessed with the bees.
Theory: Could Don Toast know about the power of the bees from the start and his obsession with bees is for world domination?
Does Don Toast knows this great potential of the bees? It could be a case since in the previous life, he did manage to reach the same technological advancement as Michael before he detonated the nuke. The question is, does Toast wanted to use the power of bees to dominate the server with overwhelming technology once again? Or he does wanted simply to get the resources he needs on a whim?
Casino's Contract
Ludwig check on his diamond inventory when suddenly he noticed that he cannot pay Abe when he cashes out. Apparently his diamond vault has been stolen and he starts interrogating people - from Kktamina, Ottomated, Ryan and Ash to figure out who stole his diamonds. Otto discussed his plans to grow diamonds to Ludwig. Apparently he received some visions from an individual thanking him for several stacks of diamonds and asked Ryan about these visions he is receiving. He sees this as an gratitude in learning his ways. He has a list of suspects who yeeted the diamonds: Kris, Sykkuno and Anne.
He finally interrogated Ash, who told Ludwig that Anne stole the diamonds but Ash said that she returned it to the casino, Sykkuno only stole and gambles the stolen diamonds back to the casino. it is unknown if Anne really returned the diamonds (spoiler she can't). Ludwig did warn Ash about the upcoming heist, and revealed to her that he planned his own heist with the plan of using the stolen diamonds blackmail and to renegotiate his terms with Ottomated, who is starting to get more powerful as he master the world's robotics and bees. Ludwig is worried that Otto shall build a casino of his own, and team up with Michael, as he claims that they're both nerds and more likely to team up rather than work for him to expand his casino, resulting to him returning to his old scamming ways. Otto, using invisibility potion, spied on their convo and was genuinely shocked upon hearing these convo, interrupting their conversation. Ludwig tries to use his words to Otto, but ended up with them arguing about their role in the casino, and Ludwig telling his concerns about Otto's rise to power. In the end, Otto told Ludwig to let the heist try to take the diamonds as he installed the countermeasures and he could have talked about the matters in the casino.
Otto and Ludwig agreed to the following terms:
Ludwig tried to yeet Boner from Rae but he failed as he tried to use the waystone while riding the horse, which ended up only teleporting him. Otto afterwards tends to his bees and the casino. Boner is currently in the second floor of the casino.
Side Story: The Girl livning in the volcano
Anne, the Volcano resident of the new lands who is living with bnans, found a relatively easy way to steal the diamonds. She felt that it was too easy and felt that there is no payout of doing it, and decided to condess to Ash and showed her how she did it.
Apparently, Anne failed to return the stolen diamonds inside after attempting to do it with the assistance of Ash because she does not have access to the chest. So she sent a vision to Ludwig of her in a room with a chest full of those diamonds.
submitted by halelangit to offlineTV [link] [comments]

Wall Street short-sellers got what they deserve in GameStop squeeze - Gamblers lost billions - by (r/Socialist_) 29 Jan 2021

hat’s happening on Wall Street?
Investors have been rushing into the nearly bankrupt strip mall video game retailer GameStop faster than shoppers hoping to score a PlayStation5 at a Black Friday door-crashers sale. Suddenly, the company is valued more than big box tech behemoth Best Buy. Its shares are trading at a volume surpassing even the biggest stock of them all, Apple.
If you think it’s because GameStop suddenly re-invented the video game wheel, the answer is no. In fact, other than the hiring of a new CEO, not much at the company has changed since last year when a share of GameStop stock could be had for as little as $5. But at their peak (as of this writing) on the morning of Thursday, Jan. 28, the company’s shares hit $500 in premarket trading. Cumulatively, GameStop stock has skyrocketed 1,200% in the recent period.
With game enthusiasts embracing streaming subscriptions and turning away from plastic cartridges, many analysts have been predicting GameStop will soon be going the way of Blockbuster—another modern incarnation of video killing the radio star. So if GameStop did little, if anything, to turn around its sagging fortunes, why are its shares in such high demand?
The only thing that changed is that Wall Street powerhouse hedge funds and short-sellers have lost their monopoly on gaming the stock market casino.
The meteoric rise in GameStop shares—and to a lesser extent those of other troubled companies, like Bed Bath & Beyond, Blackberry, movie house AMC, and even candy maker Tootsie Roll—is being driven by the actions of a group of what the Wall Street professionals call dangerous amateurs.
Coordinating with each other on a section of the online platform Reddit called WallStreetBets, a huge number of relatively small-time investors (around 2.2 million of them by the most recent count) have teamed up to take on the big guys in a battle that has all the trappings of a Robin Hood tale.
The “short” in a nutshell
To understand the game plan of the WallStreetBets crowd, it’s necessary to know some of the lingo of Wall Street gambling—especially the concept of the “short.”
A short is when an investor essentially “borrows” a company’s stock from a broker. The investor then takes that borrowed stock and sells it on the market. The hope of the “short seller” is that the value of that company’s stock will drop before they are due to return their borrowed shares, allowing them to re-buy the stock at a cheaper price and return it to the broker—pocketing the difference as a profit.
In essence, they are placing a bet against a company’s future. They believe the company is worth less than the market is valuing it at, and when that reality sets in among others, then they will get to cash in on their foresight.
As an example, a short-seller may borrow a share of Company A and sell it for the current market price of $100. They do so because they believe Company A isn’t really worth $100 per share and eventually the price will drop. If they are right, and the price of Company A shares sink to $60, then the short-seller will re-buy the share at the new price and return it to the broker (called “covering the short”). The $40 difference is their profit.
If they are wrong, however, and Company A’s shares go up, then they will lose out on their bad bet. Let’s say that Company A shares go from $100 to $120. When the short-seller’s stock loan comes due, they have to buy a share at whatever the current price is and return it to the broker. Their loss in this case would be $20. But what if the price of Company A shares go even higher, to $150, $200, or $500?
In a regular stock transaction, when a person actually buys a share (as opposed to borrowing it like a short-seller does), their potential loss is capped at whatever they paid. You can’t lose more than you put in. But for a short-seller, the potential loss is actually endless. When the due date comes for their borrowed shares, they have to pay whatever it takes to cover their short.
Gambling against GameStop
Now, back to the real world and the GameStop situation.
A number of weeks ago, the “amateur” investors on WallStreetBets started focusing their attention on the huge hedge funds with massive short bets against GameStop. They targeted outfits like Melvin Capital and Citron Research that had taken short positions in GameStop and then spent months talking about how bad the company was (an intentional effort to drive down its share price).
The gambling against GameStop had gotten so extreme that there were over 71 million borrowed short shares out there, even though the company has only 69 million shares—short-sellers were “borrowing” stock that didn’t even exist! These Wall Street titans became the villains for the Reddit Robin Hoods. (Appropriately, Robinhood is the name of a popular trading app used by many of the so-called untraditional investors.)
WallStreetBets members fantasized about how great it would be to make these short-sellers scream by driving up the price of GameStop. Some believed that GameStop really had a chance to turn around and was being unfairly punished by the short-sellers; for others, it was simply the joy that would come from sticking it to the hedge funds.
They’d done it before, on a smaller scale, with other shorted companies. If they got together again and acted in unison with their dollars, they could inflict some real pain on Melvin and Citron.
Putting the squeeze on the short sellers
Within days, WallStreetBets (and others who followed in their wake) engineered what’s called a “short squeeze”—an escalation of a company’s share price that forces short-sellers to buy at an inflated value. Panicked traders at Melvin, Citron, and other big short-sellers reacted exactly as predicted: They scrambled to cover their shorts, knowing that the longer they waited, the more they risked losing.
By the middle of this week, the short-sellers were surrendering. Citron’s managing partner Andrew Left admitted the company had to cover its short Tuesday afternoon at “a loss of 100%.” As for Melvin Capital, it was only kept afloat by an injection of $2.75 billion in funds from other asset management firms. Data from financial analytics firm S3 Partners shows that GameStop short-sellers have collectively lost more than $5 billion in the month of January alone.
The masters of finance on Wall Street are, to put it mildly, pissed. This is a crowd that has enjoyed pretty much unrestrained power for decades, dodging the efforts of governments and activists to rein them in. To be outmaneuvered by a bunch of millennials on the internet has them seeing red—both literally and metaphorically.
Traditional stock market analysts and financial commentators are musing about whether the coordinated moves of WallStreetBets are illegal. Many are urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to chase down what they’re characterizing as a “pump and dump” scheme. They are crying out for help from the same regulators they themselves spend all their time avoiding and undermining.
These are the guys who brought us the financial crisis of 2008-09 and the Great Recession. They’re the ones who have made billions of dollars off the pandemic in the past year while the rest of the country lost their jobs and homes—or died from coronavirus. Whatever losses they’re experiencing now are certainly well-deserved.
That makes it very tempting to cheer on the WallStreetBets crusaders. Richard Smith, a market behavior analyst at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, described their role to Markets Insider: “You have these media-driven platforms where the media isn’t controlled by the institutions in the way that it has historically been.” He characterized this as “a sign that the institutions are losing control.”
Heroes or same-old capitalists?
But WallStreetBets is not necessarily a den of folk heroes or investors driven by some social conscience. Some are saying they plan to make charitable donations with some of their winnings, but other forum members are simply bragging about all the money they’ve made from outsmarting the old Wall Street. One of the key ringleaders of the short squeeze effort, someone who goes by the username DeepFuckValue, claims to have turned a $50,000 GameStop investment into $20 million amidst the chaos.
Undoubtedly some of the more talented among the WallStreetBets crowd will be recruited to join the ranks of top firms—rebels eventually co-opted by the system. Others will get too caught up in the euphoria and eventually lose all their money when the bubble bursts. And let’s face it, this is capitalism—the bubble always bursts.
It’s also necessary to remember that the most powerful segments of finance capital usually find a way to shift the price for their gambling onto the rest of society by one means or another (remember the bailouts for the “too big to fail” banks?). It would be delusional to think that Wall Street isn’t making moves to offload its losses and go on the offensive.
The empire of high finance is already striking back. By Wednesday evening, the WallStreetBets forum on Reddit had gone dark, for reasons not yet clear. The WallStreetBets server on Discord was shut down. On Thursday morning, brokers started implementing restrictions on GameStop trades, raising expectations that more action will be taken by the establishment to regain control.
Taking note of the fact that trades in GameStop, AMC, and other shorted stocks were now blocked on the Robinhood platform, one Twitter user observed, appropriately, “The free market is only free until rich people lose money.”
Wall Street’s control over our society won’t be meaningfully challenged by simply replacing one group of gamblers with a different, younger group of gamblers. It wasn’t the robbers like Bonnie and Clyde that beat the banks and fought back against the Great Depression in the 1930s—it was the coalition of labor, African-American, and other people’s movements that won the New Deal and put capitalism on notice.
Now, as then, only organized political struggle by the working class and democratic movements has the potential to upend the power of finance capital for good and allow us to collectively decide our future.
So we can enjoy a laugh at the misfortunes of the hedge funds and short-sellers, but then we have to keep organizing.
submitted by finnagains to leftwinger [link] [comments]

Full list of upcoming games on the Nintendo Switch (US) (Updated 11/7/2020)

Console exclusives (games that are also on PC and/or mobile, but not on other consoles) in Italics. Nintendo exclusives (games that are only on Nintendo platforms) in bold.
For those looking at this list and not sure what's likely to be noteworthy, I have compiled a page for noteworthy releases in November. Please give them a look if you want to see what games are likely to be some of October's highlights!
As for the full list of upcoming games, here you go:
Games Release date Date confirmed by?
Five Dates 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Mars Horizon 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Professor Rubik's Brain Fitness 11/17/20 Official Website
Pure Pool 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Serious Sam Collection 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Sniper Elite 4 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 11/17/20 Nintendo.com
Nexoria: Dungeon Rogue Heroes 11/18/20 Nintendo.com
Art Sqool 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Azurebreak Heroes 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Brawl Chess 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Cake Bash 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Cape's Escape Game 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Dreamo 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Educational Games For Kids 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Eldrador Creatures 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Grisaia Phantom Trigger 05 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Karma Knight 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Outbreak 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Party Games: 15 in 1 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Star Renegades 11/19/20 Official Twitter Post
The Casino -Roulette, Video Poker, Slot Machines, Craps, Baccarat- 11/19/20 Nintendo.com
Captain Sabretooth and the Magic Diamond 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
Fall Gummies 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
Fantasy Friends 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
Micetopia 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
Ramp Car Jumping 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
S.N.I.P.E.R. - Hunter Scope 11/20/20 Nintendo.com
2urvive 11/24/20 Nintendo.com
Monster Truck Championship 11/24/20 Nintendo.com
Tracks - Toybox Edition 11/24/20 Nintendo.com
My Aunt is a Witch 11/25/20 Nintendo.com
Out of Space: Couch Edition 11/25/20 Nintendo.com
Maid of Sker 11/26/20 Nintendo.com
QV 11/26/20 Nintendo.com
The Explorer of Night 11/26/20 Nintendo.com
BFF or Die 11/27/20 Nintendo.com
Girabox 11/27/20 Nintendo.com
More Dark 11/27/20 Nintendo.com
Tiny World Racing 11/27/20 Nintendo.com
Death Crown November 2020 Official Trailer
Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal November 2020 Official Website
Chronos: Before the Ashes 12/1/20 Official Twitter Post
Empire of Sin 12/1/20 Nintendo.com
Sam & Max Save the World 12/1/20 Nintendo.com
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate 12/2/20 Nintendo.com
Cybxus Hearts 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Death Tales 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Gunpig: Firepower For Hire 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Immortals Fenyx Rising 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Pretty Princess Party 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Quiplash 2 InterLASHional: The Say Anything Party Game! 12/3/20 Nintendo.com
Taiko No Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack 12/3/20 Official Trailer
Commandos 2 HD Remaster 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Futoshiki Math 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
John Wick Hex 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Nine Witches: Family Disruption 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Steampunk Tower 2 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Super Space Serpent Secondary Edition 12/4/20 Nintendo.com
Drawn to Life Two Realms 12/7/20 Official Trailer
Lofi Ping Pong 12/8/20 Nintendo.com
Monster Sanctuary 12/8/20 Nintendo.com
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 12/8/20 Nintendo.com
Accidental Queens Collection 12/10/20 Nintendo.com
Alt-Frequencies 12/10/20 Nintendo.com
Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend 12/15/20 Nintendo.com
Evolution Board Game 12/10/20 Nintendo.com
OctaFight 12/10/20 Nintendo.com
Override 2: Super Mech League December 2020 Official Trailer
Cyanide and Happiness: Freakpocalypse: Part 1 (Timed Console Exclusive) Fall 2020 Nintendo.com
Cyber Shadow Fall 2020 Official Website
Eldest Souls (Timed Console Exclusive) Fall 2020 Nintendo.com
Grindstone Fall 2020 Nintendo.com
PixelJunk Eden 2 Fall 2020 Nintendo.com
Skyforge Fall 2020 Official Trailer
Harvest Moon: One World Autumn 2020 (European Release Date) Nintendo.co.uk
Toy Soldiers HD Autumn 2020 Official Website
Wingspan Autumn 2020 Nintendo.com
Alchemic Cutie Q4 2020 Official Website
Alter Cosmos Q4 2020 Official Website
Circadian City Q4 2020 Announce Trailer
Counter Terrorist Agency Q4 2020 Official Website
Defense Corp Q4 2020 Developer Comment on Reddit
Ever Forward Q4 2020 Official Website
Metal Revolution Q4 2020 Official Announcement on New Game+ Expo Live Stream (via Gematsu)
Train Mechanic Simulator Q4 2020 Official Website
Golden Force Last Quarter 2020 Official Trailer
Clive 'N' Wrench Winter 2020 Official Trailer
B.Ark (Timed Exclusive) Late 2020 Nintendo.com
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Late 2020 Official Website
Dicey Dungeons Late 2020 Nintendo.com
Hoa Late 2020 Wholesome Direct 5-26-2020
Phogs! Late 2020 Nintendo.com
Quantum League Late 2020 Nintendo.com
Signs of the Sojourner Late 2020 Official Trailer
World of Horror Late 2020 Official Twitter Post
Dangerous Driving 2 Holiday 2020 Official Website
King of Seas Holiday 2020 Official Trailer
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition Holiday 2020 Official Twitter Post
Speed 3 Grand Prix Holiday 2020 Official Trailer
Aground 2020 Official Website
Astrodogs 2020 Developer post on Reddit
Black Book 2020 Official Trailer
Bladed Fury 2020 Official Twitter Post
Boyfriend Dungeon 2020 Nintendo.com
Breakpoint 2020 Official Twitter Post
Car Mechanic Flipper 2020 Official Website
Circuit Superstars 2020 Official Website
Collapsus 2020 Official Website
Conarium 2020 Official Trailer
Cthulhu: Books of Ancients 2020 Official Website
DARQ: Complete Edition 2020 Official Trailer
Devil's Hunt 2020 Official Twitter Post
Door Kickers 2020 QubicGames 2020 Direct
Eastward 2020 Nintendo.com
Electrix 2020 Official Website
Farm & Fix 2020 2020 Official Website
Farm Manager 2018 2020 Official Website
Flipper Mechanic 2020 Official Website
Gearshifters 2020 Official Website
God Fire 2020 QubicGames 2020 Direct
Good Night Knight 2020 QubicGames 2020 Direct
Greak: Memories of Azur 2020 Official Trailer
Hatch Tales (Formerly Chicken Wiggle Workshop) 2020 Official Website
Haven 2020 Nintendo.com
Hazel Sky 2020 Official Trailer
Heaven's Vault 2020 Official Twitter Post
Hellpoint 2020 Official Twitter Post
Hero: Flood Rescue 2020 Official Website
Hindsight 20/20 2020 Announce Trailer
Kingpin: Reloaded 2020 Official Trailer
Littlewood 2020 Official Twitter Page
Lords of Exile 2020 Official Website/Official Trailer
Mail Mole 2020 Official Trailer
Maneater 2020 Official Twitter Post
Moon Village 2020 Official Website
Mushrooms: Forest Walker 2020 Official Website
N1RV Ann-A 2020 Announce Trailer
Necrobarista 2020 Official Twitter Page
Nyx: The Awakening 2020 Official Reveal Teaser/Official Website
Olija 2020 Official Twitter Post
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Official Videogame 2020 Official Website
P.U.G.S. Agents 2020 Official Website
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire 2020 Interview With Developer
Plastic Rebellion 2020 Official Website
Poker Club 4K 2020 Official Trailer
Real Boxing 2 2020 QubicGames 2020 Direct
Sail Forth 2020 Nintendo.com/
Samurai Gunn 2 2020 Nintendo.com
Spin Rhythm XD 2020 Announce Trailer
The Good Life 2020 Nintendo.com
This Is Pool 2020 Official Website
This Is Snooker 2020 Official Website
Those Who Remain 2020 Official Twitter Page
Tohu 2020 Official Trailer
Trigger Witch 2020 Kinda Funny Games E3 Showcase
Unheard 2020 Official Twitter Post
Unlucky Seven 2020 Official Website
Unto the End 2020 Official Trailer
Zengeon 2020 Official Trailer
Purrtato Tail: By the Light of the Elderstar 2020 "or when it's done" Official Fact Sheet
House Designer 2020/2021 Official Website
Ring of Life: Survive in Proxima 2020/2021 Official Website
Hitori Logic 1/1/21 Nintendo.com
Iris.Fall 1/7/21 Nintendo.com
Life of Fly 1/21/21 Nintendo.com
Gal*Gun Returns 1/28/21 Official Trailer
Märchen Forest 1/28/21 Official Press Release (via Gamasutra.com)
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy 1/29/21 Official Twitter Post (Koei Tecmo Europe)
Re:Zero – The Prophecy of the Throne 1/29/21 Official Trailer
Little Nightmares II 2/1/21 Official Twitter Post
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury 2/12/21 Nintendo.com
Fallen Legion: Revenants 2/16/21 Official Trailer
Wings of Darkness 2/25/21 Official Press Release (via Gamasutra.com)
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin 2/25/21 Official Website
Bravely Default II 2/26/21 Nintendo.com
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town 3/23/21 Nintendo.com
Balan Wonderworld 3/26/21 Official Twitter Post
Monster Hunter Rise 3/26/21 Nintendo.com
Turrican Anthology Vol. 1 February/March 2021 Official Website
Turrican Anthology Vol. 2 February/March 2021 Official Website
King's Bounty II March 2021 Official Trailer
Sky: Children of the Light "A few months into 2021" Official Website
Blue Fire (Timed Exclusive) Q1 2021 Nintendo.com
House Secrets: The Beginning Q1 2021 Official Website
Lord Winklebottom Investigates Q1 2021 Official Website
Pet Clinic - Cats & Dogs Q1 2021 Official Website
Root Film Q1 2021 Official Press Release (via Gamasutra.com)
Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World Q1 2021 Official Gamescom Trailer (via IGN)
Turrican Collector's Edition April/May 2021 Official Website
Georifters 6/24/21 Nintendo.com
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions Spring 2021 Nintendo.com
Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality Spring 2021 Official Twitter Post
Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassin Spring 2021 Official Twitter Post
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Spring 2021 Official Trailer
R-Type Final 2 Spring 2021 Official Twitter Post
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Spring 2021 Nintendo Direct Mini 7-20-20 Partner Showcase
Surviving the Aftermath Spring 2021 Nintendo.com
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Spring 2021 Official Trailer
Foreclosed Q2 2021 Developer Interview
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ (Multiple Versions) Early 2021 Official Twitter Post
Cris Tales Early 2021 Official Website
Poison Control Early 2021 Official Trailer
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story Early 2021 Nintendo.com
Subnautica Early 2021 Nintendo.com
Subnautica: Below Zero Early 2021 Nintendo.com
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny (Nintendo Switch Exclusive in US) Summer 2021 Nintendo.com
Griftlands: Nintendo Switch Edition Summer 2021 Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase October 2020
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Summer 2021 Nintendo.com
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Summer 2021 Official Trailer
Party Crasher Simulator Second Half of 2021 Official Press Release
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Late 2021 Gamescom 2020 presentation (via Dailyradar)
Aeon Must Die 2021 Official Trailer
Apex Legends 2021 Official Website
Artifact Hunter 2021 Official Website
Axiom Verge 2 2021 Official Website
Azur Lane: Crosswave Sails the Seas 2021 Official Twitter Post
Backbone 2021 Official Website
Bear and Breakfast (Timed console exclusive) 2021 Nintendo.com
Card Shark 2021 Nintendo.com
Digimon Survive 2021 Anime Expo panel (relayed by NintendoEverything.com)/Official Twitter Post
Dordogne 2021 Official Trailer
Dual Gear 2021 Official Trailer
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2021 Official Trailer (Gamespot Exclusive)
Gamedec 2021 Official Trailer (Gamescom 2020)
Garden Story 2021 Nintendo.com
Graven 2021 Official Trailer
Lenin - The Lion 2021 Official Trailer
Lost in Random 2021 Official Press Release
Lost Words 2021 Official Twitter Post
Mineko's Night Market 2021 Nintendo.com
No More Heroes 3 2021 Nintendo.com/Official Twitter Post
Phantom Breaker Omnia 2021 Official Trailer (via IGN)
Port Royale 4 2021 Official Twitter Post
Rogue Lords 2021 Official Trailer
Rune Factory 5 2021 Nintendo.com
Serial Cleaners 2021 Official Trailer
She Dreams Elsewhere 2021 Nintendo.com
Shin Megami Tensei V 2021 Nintendo Direct Mini 7-20-20 Partner Showcase
Skatebird 2021 Indie World Showcase 12.10.2019/Official Statement on Kickstarter.com
Starbase Startopia 2021 Official Twitter Post
Saviors of Sapphire Wings/Stranger of Sword City Revisited 2021 Official Trailer
Summer at the Edge of the Universe 2021 Official Twitter Post
The Legend of Bum-bo 2021 Official Twitter Post
Tormented Souls 2021 Official Trailer
Trails of Cold Steel IV 2021 Official Trailer
Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong 2021 Official Trailer
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground 2021 Official Trailer (via IGN - Gamescom 2020)
Where Cards Fall 2021 Official Trailer
XIII 2021 Official Twitter Post
Narco Tycoon First Half of 2022 Official Press Release (via Gamasutra)
Sea of Stars 2022 Official Trailer/Official Trailer
(Note: TBA Dates and Missed Release Dates in comments)
I miss anything? Mis-marked exclusivity? Have an official source with updated info? Let me know!
submitted by CaspianX2 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

Coronavirus misconceptions vs. reality: the *** MAIN *** reason to no longer postpone the release of the "global pandemic" script is the dying oil industry


All it takes is to add 1 + 1 to understand WHY illuminati MUST NOW administrate the KILL SHOT, starting with: non-renewable resources rapidly reaching ZERO, specifically OIL. (1)
Passing "Truth in Plain Sight" is one of the commandments of the satanic illuminati religion, part of proving to what extent people can be reduced to human cattle. Coronavirus hoax agenda can be reduced to this: script meant to accomplish what is written in plain sight since 1980 in the Georgia Guidestones: 500 million. (2)

Fake coronavirus: "vaccine" misconceptions v reality

  1. Misconception: "Vaccine" is meant to kill in a few years. Reality: The lethal "vaccine" round is not meant to kill in a few years but rather in a few days. (3)
  2. Misconception: Dr. Fauci is a reliable health professional. Reality: "Fauci" is a fake name meant to suggest Fraud(ci). Same as the illuminati icon Ethiopian actor playing ...Yesus (read: "Jesus"), the head of the WHO. (4)
Talk of fake names evoking mockery ...

Giuliani-Borat script for dummies

You are in the reverse Truman Show (5), the movie released 1998 to celebrate the completion of the simulated reality matrix (6): everyone on the "political news" stage are actors (7) and the audience is Truman Burbank. (8)
The main agenda of the sex-based 1998 "Lewinsky-Clinton" script was to divert the global audience from the start of air bombings against the only European country not controlled by the illuminazi. This justified by "massacres" for the camera, in a world where about every "head of state" was already doing nothing but to execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master. (9)
The main agenda of the sex-based 2020 "Hunter-Biden laptop" script is to divert the audience from the start of the global mandatory "vaccination", to reduce the world's population to 500 million. This justified by a fake "highly contagious and deadly" virus, named to mock Jesus, as it supposedly resembles a crown of thorns.
As for the audience for which this script was created: reduced to "conspiracy" boards, populated by supporters of the actor playing "casino billionaire" playing LastTrumpe(nc)ts (illuminati named icon Trump after the verb ["to trump"] as well as similar nouns: Tramp, Trumpet [Last] and Truman [Show]). In other words: the very same actor about to fully detonate as suicide bomber DamnOld Tramp. (10) This while the rally audiences for the actor about to enter the White House riding the "black" Camel(a) ticket, good old Joe (of the "black" Obama Bi-nla-den ticket) (11), is reduced to two digits. The best actor to complete the disarming US citizens agenda, which must take place NOW. The same Biden who is now calling for MANDATORY masks for all interstate transportation (alias: interstate highways). Oct 23, 2020 - Video: Biden Says He Will Mandate Mask Wearing on All Interstate Highways — in Your Vehicle

The main reason to no longer postpone the release of the "global pandemic" script is the dying oil industry.

Reminder from Jan 2020: Lethal coronavirus vaccine's second round: What will happen before - Script is HERE and only here The fake global pandemic is meant to reduce the world's population to 500 million. Before the global mandatory LETHAL "vaccine" the illuminati (alias illuminazi) script has anyone not only vocally opposing it but also refusing it eliminated. This will be done in two steps.
  1. Before the announcement of the first round of the global mandatory "vaccine" the goal is to detain all protesters, from those exposing the hoax to those opposing vaccines, masks [added: and installing or deactivating the "trace app"].
  2. First round of the global mandatory "vaccine" will be used solely to detect and eliminate those who refused to take it. In other words: when the second deadly round will be carried out SIMULTANEOUSLY all over the world there will be no longer anyone left to oppose it.
May I remind you that the two steps announced in first post from 2009 are well behind us.

Why YOU will accept VASSACCINATION of children and parents, before illuminati VASSASSINATE YOU

Of course all reasons are a consequence that YOU carry the Mark of the BEAST, that YOU formally ACCEPTED it on November 2, 2004 in the US or in the EU a few days earlier, October 2004.
But what exactly are those reasons? For a start: 1. You accepted genocide of your own people. Reminder: since 2000 alone in the US more than 4 million "unproductive" were murdered in hospitals and homes. (12)
Notes Still wearing masks and installing COVID-19 mobile phone tracing apps? Then you did not get the basics that any child can get. Each MANDATORY measure is upscaled to pave the way for the FINAL SOLUTION for the global "super virus pandemic" hoax. IF you want any chance to escape the slaughterhouse that you are now currently inside but do not yet recognize it, then start by reading all articles in the CONTEXT and BASICS sections below. Note that many of these articles were posted YEARS ago by only ONE and continue to unfold EXACTLY as predicted, all verifiable by timestamp.
CONTEXT (All in reddit)
  1. Illuminati Overtime: Oil Price below production costs - for dummies
  2. How many people are the illuminati *** exactly *** going to kill now? ANSWER:
  3. To take in account countries where the illuminati military face an armed revolt: Only the governments of these 2 countries are not controlled by the illuminati ...
  4. Notre Dame cathedral fire: ultimate agenda revealed by how fake virus in global genocide script was named *** 9 MONTHS *** in advance
  5. Simulated Reality: Why "The Truman Show" is the Most Important Illuminati Film Ever
  6. To get your Age, the End Times, you MUST get the Illuminati Matrix since 1789 Illuminati World Wars and Illuminati Matrix all basic facts exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet Matt, one of only two members of the Web of Truth. In other words: same goes for the Illuminati Web of Disinformation. 2009 article, last updated Nov 2016 - Illuminati Matrix: unchallenged from the start, 1789 It was established 600 years after the illuminati stepped on stage as "crusaders". Not even those who played a KEY role opposing and even defeating the illuminati in major battles were able to recognize AND expose KEY pieces of the Matrix, let alone its totality. The list of those who could have shaken the Illuminati Matrix includes: ...
  7. After reading this you'll know why well known actors play top politicians (Osama, Biden and Kerry to Romney, McCain) and popes (Francis to Khomeini and Khamenei). Why well known actors play top politicians (Osama, Biden and Kerry to Romney, McCain) and popes (Francis to Khomeini and Khamenei)
  8. The REAL Truman Show: 1.8 Million on World's Largest Stage; Audience NOT Aware That It's a Reality Show
  9. Alexander Adolf Hitler is the most powerful mortal ever, rules over nearly 7 billion people. Modern History's most bombastic revelation: Father's uncle of current Illuminati's LEADER same as most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus & Muhammad
  10. Trump, same as all other billionaires fed to the human cattle, doesn't own any of the jewels of his empire. Bill Gates to actor Mark Zuckerberg: all fake billionaires fed to the human cattle are nothing but *** actors ***
  11. BIG BANG: the most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever
  12. Why beasts will accept VASSACCINATION of their families, in case THE Beast still have time to VASSASSINATE YOU
BASICS (All in reddit)
submitted by LastDisciple to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

One Good Investment Can Allow You Never to Work a Normal Job Again

I made a big investment several years ago.
It was one I didn’t take lightly. I bothered to do enormous amounts of research. What made it hard was there was a taboo nature attached to my investment choice.
Buying any form of internet money was considered wildly stupid, irresponsible, and making an unnecessary bet. My focus wasn’t on the investment though. It was on the problem being solved.
Sending money around the internet wasn’t easy. When I had to pay friends in other countries it was a giant pain in the ass. The internet made everything easier, except the world of finance which I worked in.
Dinosaur organizations with mainframes from the 80s dominated. They used their green screens to send money all over the world. I thought to myself there must be a better way.
The 2008 financial crisis was not kind to me. I nearly lost everything in a matter of weeks. As a punk 20 year old with a drivers license, I had no idea about the tsunami that came fast. The local government gave out stimulus checks. I remember getting $900 for free and thinking something’s not right here.
I took the money and spent it like a good boy (or did I save it — can’t remember). This event in human history taught me to question money and financial markets. A mentor of mine forced me to read books written by investing legends like Warren Buffett.One Good Investment Can Allow You Never to Work a Normal Job Again
Investing was clearly a mental game.
Around the same time, in a computer lab somewhere in the world, a man named Satoshi was writing code. His little project was nothing new. It used cryptography which had been used many times before. Internet money wasn’t a new concept. Everybody tried to create digital money. What profit-seeking corporation wouldn’t want to have its own money?
Satoshi wasn’t doing it for profit.
The clue to Satoshi’s dream lied in the first block that was mined on the blockchain technology he invented. It read “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” Clearly Satoshi saw a problem. Unlike most of the world’s population he was idealistic enough to think he could fix the problem.
Bailouts for banks pissed Satoshi off.
Bailouts meant money printing. Money printing by governments leads to companies that should go bankrupt getting saved, stimulus checks and reckless fiscal policy. Creating money out of thin air meant the rich got access to the money first, while poor people were left out in the cold.
Money printing caused, and still causes, inequality amongst humans.
This frustration of inequality led to the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The people of America were the first to break. They had enough of investment banks treating financial markets like a casino.
Their protests went nowhere, unfortunately. The banks got bailed out because that was the only option. Satoshi’s blockchain invention operated behind closed doors. A few, known as the Cypherpunks, experimented with the currency for the internet he created. It was an interesting experiment. Nobody thought it would go anywhere.
Several years later I came across Satoshi’s experiment. It seemed like a noble cause but there was just no way governments would let his invention succeed. Satoshi was two steps ahead. He hid his identity and made his blockchain something that could never be shut down.
To shut down his creation meant shutting down the internet.
Governments tried to ban his invention though. China was the first. They thought they succeeded. Then its citizens decided to move trading digital currencies to “over the counter.” (This term means transacting face to face in a public place or secure office.)
The dream was to have money be borderless. All you needed was to remember your 12-word passcode and you could go anywhere in the world with your money. Cash and gold were different. You couldn’t go in and out of an airport with cash or gold and not be questioned. There were limits.
Satoshi’s invention had no limits. His vision was off-limits to small thinkers.
Those who took over Satoshi’s invention let greed get the best of them. Satoshi understood greed — it led to the 2008 financial crisis.
Satoshi planned for greed, too. Several founding members of his technology attempted to change the code he had created (known as forking). Satoshi built in consensus. He made it so 95% of the community had to agree for the change to become effective, knowing humans would never agree to do it if they understood what he’d truly created.
The “fork experiment” to change his code failed several times. Greed was proven to be an inferior force to his code.
I discovered Satoshi’s experiment a few years in. I was instantly fascinated with the idea of what he built. I had my doubts about the technology surviving. Still, I began investing money in the technology. The more I looked into it the more I understood: this was Web 3.0.
Ownership on the internet was a problem. Satoshi’s technology was a bold move to shift the power back to the internet user. The question was simple:
What if the users owned the network?
What if the users who worked on building and maintaining the network got all the rewards, not a few fat cat business empires?
It took me a while to understand. Internet money was one thing. Changing how humans got paid, transacted, and owned the work they created was a revolutionary concept. Money controls society. What if you could change money to change society for the better? I was infinitely fascinated.
2017 came around. The hype bubble around internet money exploded. Even the lunch lady was talking about what Satoshi created. Tulipmania had set in. The invention was still an infant, not ready to be exploited by adults in suits.
The price of Satoshi’s dream plummeted. Everybody called me stupid for investing. I endured two years of people telling me how dumb I was, especially because I worked in a bank and should have known better.
Ignorance was bliss.
I ignored everybody’s advice. They weren’t qualified. They didn’t know what this was. I spent hours and hours getting my head around mining, block rewards, competitors, new types of networks that were emerging. I went to meetups. I heard from businesses who accepted this strange form of internet money. I tried the test ATMs that allowed you to buy and sell this internet money.
Still, people said “you’re a sucker. Haven’t you learned your lesson?” The insults hurt.
The critics were real. They were temporarily right.
In 2020, the problem Satoshi solved finally had a use case. Interest rates went to zero like he predicted. A random health crisis became the excuse for the collapse of financial markets. Returns on assets like bonds plummeted — even paying negative interest rates in some countries.
Savers were smacked in the face the hardest. Interest payable on bank accounts went to virtually nothing. Everyday people who maybe had never invested in financial assets got to see the problem now, too.
Where do I put my money? became the question of 2020.
When the health crisis struck, governments printed trillions of dollars as Satoshi predicted. In 2008 the US government printed $1.3 trillion. In 2020, they printed $3 trillion with trillions more needed. No inflation was felt.
All the extra money ended up in the stock market, driving stock prices to new highs — despite record unemployment, a collapse in global GDP, an out of control health crisis, and oil prices going negative.
Rather than measure inflation the old way — through the consumer price index — CEOs of publicly-traded tech companies started saying this:
“What if inflation was measured in stock prices?”
A light bulb exploded in my head. When you have more money than you need, you don’t buy 6-figures worth of pizza. You buy stocks or property.
That’s why stock prices were going up when the economic reality was going to be down the toilet for a year or two.
2020 was the year internet money changed for good. PayPal and Square got into it. Visa got into it. JP Morgan backflipped and admitted it was an important asset class. Fidelity Investments with $3 trillion under management got into it. Citibank came out with bold predictions like “each coin will be worth $300,000 by the end of 2021.” The CEO of the world’s largest asset manager, Black Rock, said it’s here to stay.
Famous investors like Paul Tudor Jones, Stan Druckenmiller, and Jim Cramer all decided to invest.
Ex-Goldman Sachs banker, Raoul Pal, went all-in and placed 98% of his available cash into internet money.
I have made one good investment in my lifetime: Bitcoin.
People continually tell me I’m stupid because of my decision. Internet trolls leave harsh comments. Folks on twitter call me stupid.
Meanwhile, after work I keep spending 1–2 hours a day understanding more about Web 3.0, where bitcoin will be the store of value and Ethereum will be the layer on top that everything from apps to networks is built on.
I spend a good amount of time reading about people who have vastly different opinions to my own. While I know a bit about the blockchain space, I don’t know everything. Things can change. New technologies can be created.
Bitcoin is like anything in life — you have to take the time to learn about it, then you will understand the problem it solves and how to value it.
I started buying Bitcoin in the first few years of its life.
The first coin I ever got my hands on was worth $100. Now one coin is worth $18,000 USD.
My original investment in Bitcoin has gone up 17,900%.
Bitcoin is the best performing asset of the last decade and was up 170% in 2020. It pays to do your own research about finance and the future of money.
Bitcoin and Ethereum are only getting started. Because real money that is governed by code rather than greedy humans is needed more than ever. It’s now obvious cryptocurrency is mainstream — and it’s still early.
When you take the time to make one good investment and back your decision despite all the critics, you can set yourself up for life and never work a normal job again if you choose.
It pays you to have a Web 3.0 financial education.
This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
submitted by nwpres_ to u/nwpres_ [link] [comments]

Nintendo Switch Weekly eShop Sale (Full List)

List of Nintendo Switch games that went on sale in the last week on eShop:

You can order the list by Metacritic, Price, Discount...etc..

Title Price % Off End Date Metacritic
#KILLALLZOMBIES $11.99 40% 11/5 -
88 Heroes - 98 Heroes Edition $5.99 80% 11/1 65
1979 Revolution: Black Friday $3.59 70% 11/4 77
AER Memories of Old $4.99 75% 11/11 73
Aery - Little Bird Adventure $3.98 43% 11/11 -
AFL Evolution 2 $42.49 15% 10/27 -
Agent A: A puzzle in disguise $$1.99 90% 11/13 79
Alder's Blood $9.99 50% 11/6 74
Alien: Isolation $$19.99 43% 11/3 83
Alien Cruise $3.60 68% 11/1 -
A Magical High School Girl $1.99 87% 10/26 -
Anima: Gate of Memories - Arcane Edition $10.49 65% 11/1 -
Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles $6.99 65% 11/1 -
Anima: Gate of Memories $6.99 65% 11/1 61
ANIMUS: Harbinger $3.99 50% 11/9 69
ANIMUS $3.99 50% 11/9 -
Anthill $3.99 60% 11/1 65
Archaica: The Path Of Light $4.94 67% 11/2 -
Assassin's Creed III: Remastered $19.99 50% 11/1 60
Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection $19.99 50% 11/1 80
Atomic Heist $1.99 75% 10/27 -
Awe $1.99 60% 11/1 -
A Winter's Daydream $2.99 50% 11/5 -
Bargain Hunter $8.74 30% 11/1 -
Battle Princess Madelyn Royal Edition $3.74 75% 11/9 -
Battle Princess Madelyn $4.99 75% 11/9 65
Beat Cop $3.49 77% 10/31 70
Bibi & Tina at the horse farm $20.99 30% 11/5 -
Bibi & Tina – Adventures with Horses $20.99 30% 11/5 -
Bibi Blocksberg – Big Broom Race 3 $20.99 30% 11/5 -
Birds and Blocks $1.99 60% 11/10 -
Blacksad: Under the Skin $19.99 60% 10/28 60
Blair Witch $14.99 50% 11/5 59
Bleed 2 $3.74 75% 11/4 79
Bleed $2.99 75% 11/4 75
Bloodroots $$1.99 90% 11/2 75
Blood Waves $4.99 50% 11/5 -
Breathing Fear $$1.99 60% 11/2 -
Bridge Strike $$2.09 70% 11/10 -
BringIt to MOM $1.99 90% 11/1 -
Bubble Cats Rescue $1.59 60% 11/9 -
Bulb Boy $2.24 75% 11/5 75
Bullet Battle: Evolution $7.49 50% 11/9 -
Bunny Adventure $1.80 70% 11/5 -
Cake Laboratory $1.99 33% 11/11 -
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger $11.99 40% 11/3 72
Captain StarONE $4.99 50% 10/30 -
Card Game Bundle Vol. 1 $3.59 85% 11/4 -
Car Driving School Simulator $$8.99 36% 11/6 -
Caretaker $4.79 40% 10/31 -
Cars 3: Driven to Win $9.99 75% 11/2 59
Chaos on Deponia $4.99 75% 11/11 -
Child of Light Ultimate Edition $4.99 75% 11/1 84
Children of Morta $12.99 41% 10/31 80
Circle of Sumo $4.99 50% 10/26 53
City Driving Simulator $$5.99 50% 11/6 -
Clouds & Sheep 2 $2.49 75% 10/29 -
Clumsy Rush $2.99 40% 8 hours -
Color Zen Kids $3.19 20% 11/9 -
Conduct TOGETHER! $$1.99 90% 11/13 80
Conga Master Party! $1.99 80% 11/1 71
Cooking Tycoons - 3 in 1 Bundle $6.49 50% 11/9 -
Crawl $4.99 67% 11/4 82
Creepy Brawlers $1.99 60% 11/5 -
Crown Trick $17.99 10% 8 hours 79
Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Edition $3.99 80% 11/11 86
Cube Creator X $9.99 50% 11/11 -
Curious Cases $3.99 20% 10/31 -
Curious Expedition $10.04 33% 11/1 68
Cyber Protocol $1.99 80% 8 hours 71
Cycle 28 $2.09 70% 10/29 69
Dark Burial $1.99 50% 10/27 -
Darksiders Genesis $26.79 33% 11/5 74
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition $14.99 50% 11/5 77
Darksiders Warmastered Edition $14.99 50% 11/5 77
Dead Dungeon $1.99 60% 10/27 64
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today $3.89 74% 11/1 72
Death Road to Canada $7.49 50% 11/4 79
Death Squared $2.99 80% 11/6 78
Debtor $$1.99 33% 11/2 -
Decay of Logos $9.99 50% 11/1 58
Demon's Crystals $4.94 67% 11/1 -
DEMON'S TILT $11.99 40% 11/1 -
Deployment $0.99 90% 10/25 -
Deponia Doomsday $4.99 75% 11/11 -
Deponia $3.99 90% 11/11 64
Detective Driver: Miami Files $4.79 60% 11/6 -
Doggie Ninja The Burning Strikers $5.00 38% 11/6 -
Doggie Ninja The Golden Mission $2.00 75% 11/6 -
Don't Die, Mr Robot! $2.24 75% 11/4 72
Don't Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition $4.99 75% 11/2 78
DragonFangZ - The Rose & Dungeon of Time $12.49 50% 11/6 66
DreamGallery $2.99 50% 11/6 -
Drift Legends $4.99 50% 11/11 -
Drowning $1.49 50% 11/5 -
eCrossminton $7.94 47% 11/1 -
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes $6.99 65% 11/11 -
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout – Anniversary Edition $6.99 65% 11/11 66
Eight-Minute Empire: Complete Edition $7.49 50% 10/27 -
Elden: Path of the Forgotten $10.39 35% 11/5 63
Escape First $3.99 20% 10/31 -
Event Horizon: Space Defense $$2.09 70% 11/2 -
Fantasy Tower Defense $2.49 50% 32 hours -
Farabel $1.99 80% 10/26 -
fault - milestone one $8.99 40% 10/26 -
Felix The Reaper $2.49 90% 11/11 67
Fight Crab $16.99 15% 17 hours 70
FLIP OVER FROG $0.99 87% 11/10 -
Flipping Death $3.99 80% 11/1 83
Freaky Awesome $3.89 70% 11/1 -
FunBox Party $$1.99 20% 11/3 -
Galaxy Champions TV $1.29 82% 11/2 65
Gas Station: Highway Services $$5.99 50% 11/6 -
Gem Smashers $6.99 30% 11/5 -
GIGA WRECKER ALT. $12.49 50% 11/1 67
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal $4.99 75% 11/1 -
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions $5.99 50% 11/4 -
Glass Masquerade $2.99 75% 11/4 -
Goodbye Deponia $4.99 75% 11/11 77
Goonya Fighter $0.99 96% 11/10 74
Gothic Murder: Adventure That Changes Destiny $9.59 20% 10/29 -
Grand Prix Rock 'N Racing $2.99 70% 11/8 -
Grimshade $18.74 25% 11/4 -
Gunman Clive HD Collection $1.99 50% 11/5 -
Hacky Zack $2.49 75% 11/4 -
Heart&Slash $4.94 67% 11/1 63
Hello Kitty Kruisers With Sanrio Friends $20.96 30% 11/1 51
Hexa Maze $13.99 30% 11/5 -
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! $4.49 70% 11/1 70
Holy Potatoes! We're In Space?! $4.49 70% 11/1 -
Holy Potatoes! What The Hell?! $10.50 30% 11/1 -
Hypnospace Outlaw $14.99 25% 11/5 84
I, Zombie $1.99 60% 11/6 64
Indie Darling Bundle Vol 2 $5.24 85% 11/4 -
Indie Puzzle Bundle Vol 1 $5.99 85% 11/4 -
INK $2.24 75% 11/4 68
Invisible, Inc. Nintendo Switch Edition $14.99 25% 11/2 -
Isoland 2 - Ashes of Time $2.50 31% 11/1 -
Istanbul: Digital Edition $9.99 50% 10/27 -
It's Spring Again $0.99 50% 11/5 -
Jenny LeClue - Detectivu $$2.99 88% 11/9 -
Jeopardy! $7.99 60% 11/1 -
Jurassic Pinball $2.00 33% 11/8 -
Just Dance 2020 $19.99 50% 11/1 74
Kakurasu World $0.99 67% 11/5 -
Kawaii Deathu Desu $3.49 30% 11/12 -
Kingdom: New Lands $2.99 80% 11/3 74
Layers of Fear: Legacy $3.99 80% 11/5 80
LEGO CITY Undercover $8.99 70% 11/2 78
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition $22.49 70% 11/2 -
LEGO DC Super-Villains $17.99 70% 11/2 75
LEGO Harry Potter Collection $12.49 75% 11/2 73
LEGO Jurassic World $11.99 70% 11/2 71
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 $8.99 70% 11/2 76
LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video Game $12.49 75% 11/2 66
LEGO The Incredibles $17.99 70% 11/2 65
LEGO Worlds $8.99 70% 11/2 59
Leopoldo Manquiseil $1.99 50% 11/1 -
Little Triangle $6.75 55% 11/1 74
Lonely Mountains: Downhill $14.99 25% 11/5 84
Lost Artifacts: Time Machine $3.99 60% 11/5 -
Lovecraft´s Untold Stories $6.89 54% 11/1 -
Lydia $$2.00 50% 11/7 73
Mad Carnage $0.29 94% 10/26 46
Marblelous Animals $1.99 60% 11/1 -
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle $14.99 75% 11/1 85
Mark of the Ninja: Remastered $4.99 75% 11/2 89
MazezaM - Puzzle Game $4.12 25% 11/1 -
Mecho Tales $0.09 91% 11/11 43
Mecho Wars: Desert Ashes $0.65 93% 11/11 -
Mech Rage $$1.99 80% 11/2 -
Mechstermination Force $2.39 80% 11/5 79
Mega Man 11 $14.99 50% 10/30 80
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 $9.99 50% 10/30 77
Mega Man Legacy Collection $10.04 33% 10/30 83
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 $9.99 50% 10/30 60
Mega Man X Legacy Collection $9.99 50% 10/30 84
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection $22.49 25% 10/30 83
MONOPOLY $9.99 75% 11/1 53
Monster Dynamite $13.99 30% 11/5 -
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 3 $19.99 60% 11/5 67
Monster Loves You $1.99 80% 11/5 -
Moonlighter $8.49 66% 10/31 83
Mortal Kombat 11 $19.99 60% 11/2 78
MotoGP20 $19.99 50% 11/5 -
Moto Rush GT $0.99 93% 11/9 74
Mushroom Quest $0.29 90% 10/26 -
My Girlfriend is a Mermaid!? $2.49 90% 10/26 -
My Universe - My Baby $20.99 30% 10/28 -
Neon City Riders $13.99 30% 11/3 61
Nerdook Bundle Vol. 1 $4.49 85% 11/4 -
Neverout $1.99 73% 11/3 62
Nightmare Boy $1.99 80% 11/1 61
Ninja Shodown $2.99 80% 11/1 61
Nirvana Pilot Yume $2.99 40% 8 hours -
NORTH $1.49 50% 11/5 66
Null Drifter $2.49 50% 11/12 -
Nullum $1.39 30% 11/10 -
Observer $8.99 70% 11/5 75
Offroad Racing - Buggy X ATV X Moto $9.99 50% 10/28 -
Omega Strike $3.74 75% 11/4 -
OMG Police - Car Chase TV Simulator $1.99 60% 8 hours -
One Person Story $2.00 33% 10/27 66
Oniken: Unstoppable Edition & Odallus: The Dark Call Bundle $4.99 75% 11/4 -
OTTTD: Over The Top Tower Defense $0.99 88% 11/1 55
Panda Hero $7.49 50% 11/5 -
Paranautical Activity $2.39 70% 11/4 -
Parking Madness $1.80 70% 11/5 -
Party Crashers $$1.99 87% 11/12 -
Party Golf $$1.99 87% 11/12 74
Party Planet $2.99 85% 11/1 46
Pato Box $4.49 70% 11/3 74
Perfect Traffic Simulator $1.99 80% 8 hours -
Pet Shop Snacks $0.49 90% 11/9 -
Pipe Push Paradise $2.74 75% 11/4 -
Pixel Action Heroes $3.99 20% 11/9 69
Plague Road $0.99 93% 11/11 -
PLOID SAGA $2.39 80% 11/6 -
Polandball: Can Into Space $2.24 25% 10/28 -
Poopdie - Chapter One $3.35 33% 11/5 -
Project Starship $2.49 50% 11/12 -
Purrs In Heaven $2.44 65% 11/5 -
Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn $1.49 90% 11/9 -
Quest for the Golden Duck $1.99 80% 11/2 -
Rad Rodgers Radical Edition $7.49 75% 10/29 62
Rain City $4.45 41% 11/1 -
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition $9.99 75% 11/1 84
Red's Kingdom $2.99 70% 11/1 66
Red Death $2.49 50% 11/12 -
Rest in Pieces $1.99 75% 11/7 67
Restless Hero $3.49 50% 10/29 -
Rhythm of the Gods $2.24 75% 10/26 -
RICO $9.99 50% 11/1 70
Rift Keeper $4.99 50% 11/5 -
RISK Global Domination $9.99 50% 11/1 -
RIVE: Ultimate Edition $1.99 87% 11/5 82
Riverbond $7.49 70% 11/2 60
Robox $1.99 80% 11/5 -
Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX $2.99 70% 11/8 -
Rogue Bit $2.49 50% 11/2 -
Rollin' Eggz $1.99 33% 11/11 -
Rooms: The Adventure of Anne & George $5.90 61% 11/1 -
Rune Factory 4 Special $29.99 25% 10/29 81
Scribblenauts Mega Pack $9.99 75% 11/2 76
Scribblenauts Showdown $9.99 75% 11/2 47
Sea Salt $9.89 34% 11/2 -
Shift Happens $2.99 80% 11/11 -
Shikhondo - Soul Eater $4.19 70% 11/4 53
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment $6.99 30% 11/1 84
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove $27.99 30% 11/1 91
Sigi - A Fart for Melusina $2.49 50% 11/5 52
Silence $3.99 90% 11/11 75
Skelly Selest & Straimium Immortaly Double Pack $5.99 70% 11/4 -
Skull Rogue $$1.99 33% 11/3 -
Sky Racket $3.74 75% 17 hours 72
Sky Ride $0.99 86% 11/10 -
Slots of Poker at Aces Casino $3.99 50% 11/1 -
Solitaire Deluxe Bundle - 3 in 1 $2.99 80% 11/9 -
Soul Searching $$3.99 60% 11/7 66
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Standard Edition $14.99 75% 11/1 80
South Park: The Stick of Truth $11.99 60% 11/1 82
Spectrum $2.39 80% 11/4 -
Speed 3: Grand Prix $35.99 10% 11/10 -
Speed Dating for Ghosts $2.09 70% 11/1 -
Speedway Racing $$4.99 50% 11/12 -
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy $14.99 50% 11/5 61
Spirit Roots $1.98 72% 11/2 -
Spooky Ghosts Dot Com $$2.49 50% 11/2 -
Starlink: Battle for Atlas Digital Edition $14.99 75% 11/1 -
Starman $0.99 89% 11/11 -
State of Mind $3.99 90% 11/11 63
SteamWorld Dig 2 $7.99 60% 11/1 88
SteamWorld Dig $2.49 75% 11/1 75
SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition $4.99 75% 11/1 91
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech $12.49 50% 11/1 81
Stellar Interface $1.99 85% 11/1 -
STELLATUM $7.49 50% 11/5 -
Stick It to The Man $2.39 80% 11/1 74
Stones of the Revenant $$4.99 50% 11/6 -
Storm In A Teacup $2.09 30% 11/1 -
STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town $34.99 30% 10/29 77
Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe $5.99 40% 11/1 79
SubaraCity $2.50 50% 10/30 62
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition $12.99 35% 11/4 73
Super Arcade Soccer $2.09 70% 11/8 -
Super Chariot $1.49 90% 11/4 76
Supermarket Shriek $$17.99 10% 11/6 -
SuperMash $1.99 90% 11/4 51
Super One More Jump $0.98 86% 11/1 81
Super Punch Patrol $4.49 10% 11/5 75
Super Street: Racer $17.49 56% 11/1 66
Swap This! $1.99 60% 11/5 59
Sweet Witches $$1.99 80% 11/2 -
Swordbreaker The Game $$1.99 60% 11/2 -
Swords & Soldiers $1.99 73% 11/5 72
Syberia 2 $1.49 95% 11/4 68
Syberia 3 $9.99 80% 11/4 -
Syberia $4.90 67% 11/4 76
Tactical Mind $$1.99 33% 11/3 54
Tamashii $5.99 50% 11/4 -
Tangle Tower $13.99 30% 10/25 85
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