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Ayuda con mi "Bucket List de Argentina"!

Hola redditors, tengo pensado recorrer el país hermoso, entero de punta a punta, esta es mi "Bucket List" que armé en un par de horas, separé cada provincia por región para que sea más fácil de leer; si me pueden ayudar con cualquier dato, opinión, que puedo agregar o sacar, cuál es la mejor provincia para hacer tal o cual cosa, desde ya gracias!,
*Visitar la Quebrada del Humahuaca *Visitar la Quebrada de Purmamarca al pie del Cerro de los Siete Colores *Celebrar el Carnaval Jujenho *Ver la fiesta del Toreo de la Vincha en Casabindo *Comer un plato de humita *Visitar el Cabildo en San Salvador de Jujuy *Comer empanadas Jujenhas *Visitar el pueblo de Iruya *Recorrer el Camino del Inca *Visitar la Yunga Jujenha *Avistar las parinas y flamencos en La Laguna de Guayatayoc *Pasar la noche en La Puna *Ver las salinas grandes
*Visitar el Cafayate *Visitar la Quebrada de las Conchas en los Valles Calchaquíes *Quebrada de Las Flechas *Admirar la arquitectura colonial en Ciudad de Salta *Visitar la Catedral Basílica de Salta *Comer empanadas Saltenas *Probar la gastronomia y el vino regional *Tomar el teleférico hacia Cerro San Bernardo *Montar el Tren de las Nubes *Avistar animales en el Parque Nacional El Rey *Ver un Yaguareté en el Parque nacional Baritú *Visitar el El parque nacional Los Cardones *participar de La tradicional Fiesta de la Pachamama de los Pueblos Andinos *Visitar los pueblos del Norte Andino *Visitar el Valle de Lerma *Pasar una noche en Cachi *Visitar el Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña
*Recorrer el circuito historico en San Miguel de Tucuman *Visitar la Casa de Tucuman *Ver las Ruinas de Quilmes *R ecorrer la Reserva Arqueológica de Los Menhires en El Mollar *Visitar las Ruinas La Ciudacita *Visitar la Yunga Tucumana *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Campo de Los Alisos *Probar la gastronomia local
*Visitar la ciudad de Belén en Catamarca *Banharse en las Termas de Fiambala *Visitar el volcán Galán en Antofagasta de la Sierra *Ver las vicunhas en la Laguna Blanca *Hacer aladelta en la Cuesta del Portezuelo *Ver las pinturas rupestres en el yacimiento arqueologico de La tunita *admirar los laberintos blancos y dunas de Campo Piedra Pómez *Atender la Fiesta patronal de la Virgen del Valle *participar de la CORPACHADA “Ritual a la Madre Tierra” *Tomar Catamarqueno en LA RUTA DEL ADOBE *visitar El sitio arqueológico del Shinkal de Quimivil
Santiago del Estero
*Visitar la ciudad de Santiago del Estero, la más antigua del país *disfrutar del spa natural de las termas de Rio Hondo *ver los tatú carreta en El parque Nacional Copo
*Viajar a Formosa Capital *Visitar el Museo Historico Provincial formosa *Comer comida local de Formosa *Excursion por el Bañado La Estrella *Visitar el Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo
*visitar Resistencia en Chaco *adentrarse al Bosque impenetrable chaquenho *probar la gastronomia regional chaquena *Visitar el Parque nacional del Chaco *Ver las estrellas en el Campo del Cielo
*Visitar las Cataratas del Iguazú en Misiones *Ver la Garganta del Diablo *Montar en el Tren de la Selva *Visitar la Isla San Martín *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Iguazu bajo la luna llena *Visitar Las Ruinas de la Misión Jesuítica de San Ignacio Miní *Visitar la casa de Horacio Quiroga *Visitar la ciudad de Posadas *Atravesar el Puente Internacional Tancredo Neves *Explorar las Minas de Wanda *Caminar por las tierras rojas en Eldorado *Descubrir los ascentamientos Suecos en Oberá
*Navegar por los Esteros del Iberá *Ver un yacaré en el Parque Nacional Mburucuyá *visitar las playas de Paso de la Patria *caminar por la costanera de Corrientes Capital
Entre Ríos
*Pescar un dorado en el río Uruguay *Ir a la fiesta del Carnaval del País en Gualeguaychu *visitar las termas de Gualeguaychu *Esquí acuático sobre el río Uruguay *Visitar el Castillo San Carlos en Concordia *Visitar el hospital donde nací en Concordia *Visitar el Parque Nacional El Palmar en Colón *visitar las Termas de Concepción del Uruguay *visitar Isla Cambacuá *visitar el Balneario Drewans en la ciudad de Chajarí *motonáutica en el río Uruguay *Visitar el Palacio San Jose *Visitar la ciudad de Villaguay *nadar en Playas del Lago Salto Grande en Federación *Navegar por las calles de Villa Paranacito *Internarse en el delta del río Uruguay *Visitar La Catedral de la ciudad de Paraná *Caminar por la costanera de Paraná *Visitar Anfiteatro Héctor Santángelo *Kayak sobre el río Paraná *Visitar las aldeas alemanas
Santa Fe
*Visitar el Monumento a la Bandera en Rosario *visitar la plaza del Che *Comer alfajores Santafesinos *Tomar mate en el Parque Independencia *Visitar el Parque España *Visitar el Convento San Carlos *visitar las playas de El Banquito *Visitar la ciudad de Santa Fe
La Rioja
*Recorrer el Parque Nacionale Talampaya en La Rioja *Explorar el Valle de Famatina *Ver las murallas de fuego de La Cuesta de Miranda en Chilecito *Admirar el arte rupestre de Los Pizarrones *Tomar el Cablecarril la Mexicana *Visitar el cráter Corona del Inca *Visitar los pueblos silenciosos de La Costa Riojana *Ver las vicunhas y los flamencos en la Laguna Brava *Visitar las LAS ESTRELLAS DIAGUITAS en Vinchina *Asistir a la procesion del Tinkunako *Recorrer la precordillera *Visitar el Museo de la Ciudad de la Rioja *Recorrer el Corredor de los Llanos *Ver los condores en el Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito *Tomar vino y comer comida regional Riojana
San Juan
*Visitar el Parque Provincial Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna) en San Juan *Ver las estrellas en el Parque Nacional El Leoncito
*Visitar la ciudad de Mendoza *Explorar el Parque Nacional del Aconcagua *Equiar en el centro de esqui Las lenhas *Visitar el Puente del Inca *Explorar las bodegas Mendocinas *Relajarse en las Termas y Spa de Cacheuta en la Cordillera de los Andes *Visitar la ciudad de Las Heras *Visitar La Pampa negra y los volcanes de la Payunia mendocina
San Luis
*Visitar el microclima de Villa Merlo en San Luis *Visitar el Parque Nacional Sierra de Las Quijadas *Caminar el Corredor Bio en las Sierras de los Comechingones
*Recorrer la Manzana Jesuítica en la ciudad de Córdoba Capital *Recorrer las calles de la Canhada *Tomar Fernet con coca en Nueva Córdoba *Ir a un baile de La Mona Jimenez *Festejar Oktoberfest en Villa General Belgrano *Visitar Mina Clavero *Ir al Festival Nacional del Folklore en Cosquín *Subir el Cerro Uritorco en Capilla del Monte *Visitar la casa del Che Guevara en Altagracia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía de Colonia Caroya *Visitar El Durazno en el Valle de Calamuchita *Ir al Festival de la doma en Jesús María *Acampar en La Cumbrecita *Disfrutar de la noche en Carlos Paz *Visitar Mayu Sumaj en el Valle de Punilla *Recorrer Tanti *Explorar el Valle de Calamuchita *Visitar la Reserva de pictografías del Cerro Colorado *Visitar la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario en la ciudad de Ischilín *visitar la La Capilla de Sinsacate *Visitar el Hotel Eden en La Falda *Ver los flamencos en la Laguna de Mar Chiquita *Explorar Nono en la región de Traslasierras *Observar el valle de Traslasierra desde el cerro Champaquí
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
*Visitar la Casa Rosada *Ver el Obelisco en Av. 9 de Julio *Visitar la Plaza del Congreso *Visitar la librería El Ateneo en la calle Florida *Ir de compras en la Galería Pacífico *Visitar la Catedral Metropolitana *Explorar el cementerio de Recoleta *Visitar el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes *Tomar mate y leer un libro en Plaza Francia *Visitar el Cabildo en el microcentro *Ver la escultura Floralis Generica en Palermo *Ver el Ballet en el Teatro Colón *Paseo por Puerto Madero *Comer en un restaurante de lujo en Puerto Madero *Explorar la Reserva Ecológica *Visitar el Buque Museo Fragata Sarmiento *Visitar Colección de arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat *Comer un choripán en La Costanera Sur *Ir a una noche de Milonga en San Telmo *Ir de compras en el Mercado de San Telmo *Tomar mate en la Plaza Dorrego *Caminar por las calles de Caminito *Comer un asado en una parrilla tradicional en La Boca *Ver el superclásico River-Boca en la Bombonera *Visitar el Museo de Bellas Artes Benito Quinquela Martín *Tomar un café con medialunas en el Bar la Perla *Comer en la Pizzería Banchero *Visitar el Museo Histórico Nacional *Picnic en los Bosques de Palermo *Visitar el Jardín Japonés *Visitar la Biblioteca Nacional *Recorrer el Rosedal de Palermo *Visitar el Planetario Galileo Galilei *Visitar el Zoológico de Buenos Aires *Visitar el MALBA *Visitar el Barrio Chino en Belgrano *Tomar un catamarán por la región de Tigre *Visitar la quinta de Olivos *Visitar la Feria de Mataderos *Visitar el cementerio de Chacarita *Visitar el Abasto *Visitar el museo Carlos Gardel *Visitar el barrio de Boedo
Buenos Aires
*Visitar la ciudad de La Plata *Caminar por el Parque Ecológico Municipal de La Plata *Visitar el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Plata *Ver al Indio Solari en Tandil *Visitar Villa Gesell en la Costa Atlántica Argentina *Visitar Mar de Ajó y San Bernardo *Caminar en las playas doradas de Mar de las Pampas *Deportes Náuticos en Cariló *Visitar el casino de Pinamar *Visitar la ciudad de Mar del Plata *Visitar Bahia Blanca
La Pampa
*Visitar la ciudad de Santa Rosa en La Pampa *Visitar la Reserva Natural Parque Luro *Hospedarse en una Estancia Pampeana *Tomar vino en una Pulpería tradicional *Comer Asado Pampeano regional *Visitar el Parque Nacional Lihué Calel
*Visitar la ciudad de San Martin de los Andes en Neuquén *Explorar el Parque Nacional Lanín *Cazar un ciervo colorado o jabalí *Recorrer el puerto en Villa La Angostura *Caminar por la costa del Atlántico en Playas Doradas *Visitar el Parque Cretácico *Visitar el Salto del Agrio *Trekking en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi *Visitar el Parque nacional Laguna Blanca
Río Negro
*Recorrer la ciudad de Viedma en Rio Negro *Ver Primer Faro de la Patagonia Argentina en el balneario de Villa El Cóndor *Ver los lobos marinos en Reserva Faunística Punta Bermeja (La Lobería) *Visitar San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar Villa Catedral *Esquiar en el centro de esqui del Cerro Catedral *Visitar la Catedral de San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar el hotel Llao Llao *Visitar El Bolsón en la Comarca Andina *Visitar la Cascada Escondida *Comer chivito Patagónico *Banharse en el Río Azul *Explorar las chacras regionales en El Hoyo
*Avistaje de Orcas en la reserva Natural Península de Valdés *Ver el amanecer en Puerto Pirámides *Avistaje de la ballena franca austral en Puerto Madryn *Visitar las playas de Comodoro Rivadavia *Ver los pingüinos magallánicos en Punta Tombo *Visitar la cárcel de Trelew *Visitar el Puerto de Rawson *Avistaje de Toninas Overas en Playa Unión *Visitar el Bosque Petrificado *Visitar Museo Paleontologico de Astra *Ver el Argentinosaurus Huinculensis en el Museo Carmen Funes *Caminar por la Bahía Bustamante *Visitar el Parque nacional Los Alerces
Santa Cruz
*Visitar el Puerto de Santa Cruz *Visitar las playas de Caleta Olivia *Visitar Fitz Roy *Visitar el Glaciar Perito Moreno en El Calafate *Explorar la Cueva de las Manos en Perito Moreno *Banharse en el lago Carrera *Visitar Rio Gallegos *Trekking por la laguna Torre, glaciar Torre y cerro Torre en El Chaltén
Tierra del Fuego
*Visitar el Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego *Visitar el Museo del Fin del Mundo en Ushuaia *Admirar el Monte Olivia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía local *Esquiar en el Cerro Castor *Explorar la ciudad de Rio Grande *Ver el Faro del fin del Mundo, en el canal del Beagle *Ver los cóndores en El Cerro Shenolsh *Tomar la aerosilla al Glaciar Martial *Tomar el Tren del Fin del Mundo *Visitar la Laguna Esmeralda
*Visitar las Islas Malvinas *Visitar las Islas Sandwich del Sur y Georgias del Sur *Ir en una expedición por la Antartida Argentina *Visitar la Base Marambio
submitted by yogurt1989 to argentina [link] [comments]

[FIGHT PREVIEWS] Adrien Broner vs Marcos Maidana, Josesito Lopez vs Mike Aranoutis, Martin Murray vs Sergey Khomitsky, Michael Farenas vs Jesus Rios, Serhiy Fedchenko vs Ignacio Mendoz + more

Wednesday December 11

From The Melbourne Pavilion, Flemington, Victoria, Australia

Sam Soliman 42(17)-11 vs Les Sherrington 33(19)-6

12 rounds
Middleweight division
This fight may have arleady taken place… but pretend it hasn’t. I mean, you probably haven’t seen the results so it’s pretty much the same thing. Anyway, Sam Soliman has the distinction of being one of the few to go into Germany and actually beat Felix Sturm by controversial decision. That decision was ultimately reversed and declared a no contest because 70 year old Soliman tested positive for an illegal stimulant. Soliman has since left Germany and returned to fight in the motherland. I’m curious to see if Soliman wins and calls out Golovkin after the match.

Friday December 13

From Solaire Resort Hotel and Casino, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Michael Farenas 36(28)-4-4 vs Jesus Rios 26(20)-4-1

12 rounds
Super featherweight division
Hey, look what we have here, another former Gamboa opponent. This time it’s 29 year old Michael Farenas who managed to put on a pretty thrilling fight with Gamboa where he dropped a lazy Gamboa late in the fight. This is a Pacman (as in Manny Pacquiao) Promotions card so he’s got that going for him.

Ernesto Saulong 13(5)-0 vs Jimmy Aducal 6(5)-3-2

10 rounds
Bantamweight division
Nothing to see here. Just a bantamweight prospect being brought along slowly that I have my eye on.

From Ice Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Curtis Woodhouse 20(13)-6 vs Arek Malek 13(4)-62-4

10 rounds
Light welterweight division
Malek may have a record that may or may not be eerily accurate to what I expect the Brooklyn Nets record may be toward the end of the season, but come on! At least Malek doesn’t kick over the spit bucket to give his corner extra time to cover up their incompetence.

David Fidler 7(3)-0-2 vs Chris Jenkinson 6(3)-10-1

Joe Rodges 5(1)-0 vs Pavels Senkovs 4(3)-65-5

Senkovs called up Malek and said, “I want my gimmick back!” What does Rodgers’ manager tell him if he loses? Do you think Pavels’ trainer reminds him that his KO percentage is almost as good as GGG’s?

From Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, California

Josesito Lopez 30(18)-6 vs Mike Aranoutis 24(11)-9-2

10 rounds
Welterweight division
Josesito Lopez is always must watch TV. This is a guy who can box pretty well, but just can’t shake the temptation to brawl and when he does, it’s usually high drama, as Lampley would say. If Lopez looks exceptional, he lines himself up to face a slew of opponents whose names include Lucas Matthysse and possibly a rematch with Victor Ortiz. Aranoutis is of Greek descent who currently fights out of Queens, NY and has fought and lost to Danny Garcia (KO), Demetrius Hopkins (UD), Delvin Rodriguez (UD), Victor Ortiz (TKO), Kendall Holt (UD), and Ricardo Torres (SD). He hasn’t won a fight in over a year and it will be a good fight for Lopez to get himself back in the win column.

Francisco Vargas 17(13)-0-1 vs Jerry Belmontes 18(5)-2

10 rounds
Super bantamweight division
28 year old Vargas has recently begun to pick up the level of competition by coming to America to fight. Belmontes is another step-up... although he’s lost 2 of his last 3. I don't know if this is good or bad, but Vargas could be fed to Leo Santa Cruz if he wins impressively.

Hugo Centeno Jr 19(10)-0 vs Angel Osuna 11(7)-4-1

10 rounds
Middleweight division
Centeno is a friend of /boxing. Check out the sidebar for the AMA he did a while back. Centeno Jr is coming off a NC with Julian Williams as part of a Golden Boy Live card put on during the Mayweather-Canelo fight week. The fight was stopped due to an accidental butt, which may have been a blessing in disguise. Centeno had previously beaten Julian Williams and was on his way to losing the rematch as he had lost the first 3 rounds on the judges scorecards. Centeno is an exciting fighter to watch, he fights in a crowd-pleasing style, and I’m hoping for the best for his career.

Errol Spence 9(7)-0 vs Noe Bolanos 25(16)-9-1

8 rounds
Welterweight division
Watch out for Spence. The dude packs serious power and carries an impressive amateur pedigree. Bolanos is another step up in competition for Spence who may someday be fighting for world titles. This card is stacked!

Gary Russell Jr 23(13)-0 vs TBA

10 rounds
Super featherweight division
OH YEAH! Get yourselves ready! The return of the fastest hands in the west, none other than TBA! TBA is back in action to face one of the premier super featherweight prospects in the world. Russell Jr is an exciting young fighter and the real test will be whether or not TBA actually shows up to fight. There are times when he can’t be bothered to get mentally and physically in the fight, but when he does rise to the occasion, it’s usually fireworks.

Jermall Charlo 16(12)-0 vs Joseph De los Santos 17(9)-11-3

8 rounds
Light middleweight division
The Charlo twins are 2 of boxing’s brightest prospects. They are big light middleweights that are a couple of fights away from fighting for world titles. Jermall is the more aggressive, heavier handed of the 2. Both are solid defensively and this should be an easy fight for Charlo.

Saturday December 14

From Jahnsportforum, Neubrandenburg, Necklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Juergen Braehmer 41(31)-2 vs Marcus Oliveira 25(20)-0-1

12 rounds
Vacant WBA word light heavyweight title

Kubrat Pulev 18(9)-0 vs Joey Abell 29(28)-6

12 rounds
IBF international heavyweight title
Pulev, by many, is considered to be the one to challenger and defeat Wladimir Klitschko. Pulev is a sneak fighter who does a lot of things well. He’s good defensively, mixes up offense very well, and is coming off the best victory of his young career after defeated Tony Thompson. This is an interesting match to see how Pulev handles Abell’s power. It’s been 6 years since Abell has won a fight by decision. Everyone else has crumpled under his power. If Pulev is for real, Abell should not last more than a few rounds. Arreola was able to KO him in 1 round in early 2011.

Jack Culcay 15(10)-1 vs Dieudonne Belinga 11-3

12 rounds
Light heavyweight division

From Palau Olimpic Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Hassan D’Dam N’Jikam 27(17)-1 vs Anthony Fitzgerald 14(4)-5

10 rounds
Middleweight division

From Ice Palace “Terminal”, Brovari, Ukraine

Serhiy Fedchenko 33(14)-2 vs Ignacio Mendoz 38(23)-8-2

12 rounds
WBO European light welterweight title
Fedchenko is famously known as the guy who Marquez fought before his fourth fight with Pacquiao. Fedchenko was able to take Marquez 12 rounds and ultimately lost a wide decision. Fedchenko has no real impressive wins on his record, but he’s fighting a beatable opponent so he’s got that going for him.

Max Bursak 17(8)-0-1 vs Oleksiy Mazikin 14(4)-9-2

8 rounds Middleweight division

Vladimir Tereshkin 17(8)-0-1 vs Oleksiy Mazikin 14(4)-9-2

8 rounds Heavyweight division

Oleksandr Usyk 1(1)-0 vs Epifanio Mendoza 34(30)-15-1

6 rounds
Cruiserweight division
Usyk is another prospect in the same vein as Anthony Joshua. He had a decorated amateur career and won Olympic Gold in Beijing in the heavyweight division. Usyk is definitely someone you should add to your prospect list if you want to be able to say “I told you so” one of these days.

From ExCel Arena, Dockland, London, UK

Kevin Mitchell 35(25)-2 vs Brunet Zamora 25(11)-1-2

12 rounds
IBF inter-continental lightweight title

Leonard Bundo 29(10)-0-2 vs Lee Purdy 20(13)-4-1

12 rounds
EBU welterweight title

Martin Murray 25(11)-1-1 vs Sergey Khomitsky 28(11)-9-2

10 rounds
Middleweight division
Murray has recently come out and said he's willing to face Golovkin. Well, should he win this fight, it would put him at the front of the line in the Golovkin sweepstakes. The line isn’t long anyway. Murray is coming off a controversial loss against the reigning middleweight king, Sergio Martinez in Argentina. Many believe the decision to be a hometown gift, but to me, Murray didn’t do enough to differentiate himself from the champion. Still, Murray showed a lot of good things. He’s a great defensive fighter who knows when to counter out of his guard, and carries a decent bit of pop. I can’t see Khomitsky giving him too much trouble.

Khalid Yafai 9(6)-0 vs Ashley Lane 4(1)-3-2

6 rounds
Super flyweight division

Anthony Ogogo 3(2)-0 vs TBA

Middleweight division
Ogogo is one of my favorite prospects. I think Luke Campbell will probably be the most successful of the British Olympians, but Ogogo will be in the better fights.

From Resorts International Hotel & Casino, Superstar Theatre, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Amir Mansour 19(14)-0 vs Kelvin Price 14(6)-1

10 rounds Heavyweight division
Mansour is not exactly a prospect. He’s 41 years old and prison time has stunted a large part of his would-be career. Still, this is going to be on NBC Sports Network and should be a good fight.

David Rodriguez 36(34)-0 vs Darnell Wilson 24(20)-17-3

6 rounds
Heavyweight division
This is an interesting match… for a 36 and 0 fighter…

Manuel Quezada 29(18)-7 vs Steve Cunningham 25(12)-6

8 rounds
Heavyweight division

From Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas

Adrien Broner 27(22)-0 vs Marcos Maidana 34(31)-3

12 rounds
WBA world welterweight title
This is the /boxing fight of the week. Look here for an in-depth preview. If you want my opinion, it’s this: Broner has made himself to be the ultimate heel in boxing today, and he hasn’t done that by simply running his mouth. He’s been arrogant, and backed it up in the ring. Saturday, it will be seen if one of hardest punchers in the game can humble Broner, or will Broner have been right all along.

Keith Thurman 21(19)-0 vs Jesus Soto Karass 28(18)-8-3

12 rounds
Interim WBA world welterweight title
The WBA is a weird organization. This is for the interim ‘B’ level belt of their main belt which is called the Super World welterweight title. This is just the WBA world title. Anyway, what this means is that should Broner win the title and then vacate to go back down to 135, the winner will fill in as the title… Or the winners will fight to determine the real champion… before they face the real-er champion. Anyway, Keith “One Time in San Diego” Thurman is yet another guy on the cusp of breaking into boxing’s upper echelon. Standing on the other side is Jesus Soto Karass. Don’t let Karass’s 8 losses fool you. He’s claimed to have not taken boxing seriously when he was amassing loss after loss. Since losing to Marcos Maidana in a brutal 8 round war full of fouls, he’s won 2 straight. He’s a tricky fighter who does a lot of things well. He’s faced nearly every time of style there is and has never been completely blown out in any fight. If Thurman is not the real deal, or his power has been exaggerated to this point, Karass will bring it to light. If Thurman is the real deal, like many are projecting, Karass may have a tough time. Thurman has exceptional timing, patience, and power. This has all the makings of a trap fight for young Thurman.

Leo Santa Cruz 26(15)-0-1 vs Cesar Seda 25(17)-1

12 rounds
WBC super bantamweight title
Leo Santa Cruz is an all-action, torrential downpour of leather. Cesar Seda is a 27 year old Puerto Rican southpaw who hasn’t fought in a 12 round fight since 2011. That fight was for the WBO super flyweight title against long reigning Argentine champ Omar Narvaez. If Santa Cruz loses, this would be a massive upset.

Beibut Shumenov 13(8)-1 vs Tamas Kovacs 23(14)-0

12 rounds
WBA super world light heavyweight title
This is a real title fight. It’s the “super world” light heavyweight title as opposed to the “world light heavyweight title.” The WBA is weird. Anyway, here’s my theory on this fight. The winner is fighting Hopkins. Shumenov is from Kazakhstan and just turned 30. His only loss of his career was to Gabriel Campillo in 2009 and it was a MD as well. Tough luck considering it was in Kazakhstan too. He avenged the loss in a rematch and has fought sporadically since then. Shumenov, now with Golden Boy, is looking to build a name for himself in the light heavyweight division. Kovacs has never faced stiff competition and this shouldn’t be a tough fight for Shumenov.

Jermain Taylor 31(19)-4-1 vs Juan Carlos Candelo 32(21)-12-4

10 rounds
Super middleweight division

Rau’shee Warren 8(3)-0 vs Jose Silveira 15(6)-9

8 rounds
Bantamweight division
submitted by noirargent to Boxing [link] [comments]

[WEEKEND RECAP] Broner vs Maidana, Lopez vs Arnaoutis, Braehmer vs Oliveira, Fedchenko vs Mendoz, + more

Wednesday December 11

From The Melbourne Pavilion, Flemington, Victoria, Australia

Sam Soliman defeated Les Sherrington by TKO9

I believe Solimon commented after the fight that he was going to be challenging for a world title in 2014.

Friday December 13

From Solaire Resort Hotel and Casino, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Michael Farenas defeated Jesus Rios by TKO2

Ernesto Saulong fought to a draw against Jimmy Aducal

And this will take Saulong off my prospect watch list.

From Ice Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Curtis Woodhouse defeated Arek Malek on points

Joe Rodges defeated Pavels Senkovs on points

Do not be alarmed. Senkovs was able to maintain his impressive record, improving to 4-66-5.

From Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, California

Josesito Lopez defeated Mike Arnaoutis by technical decision

This was a very interesting fight on an ultimately unimpressive card. Lopez, a known action hero in the sport, fought a very crafty veteran southpaw who made Lopez miss a ton of punches and won way more rounds than anybody anticipated. In the end, Lopez won and that was an okay decision. In the 8th round an accidental clash of heads opened up a massive cut for Arnaoutis. Arnaoutis, in what I believe was a move motivated by the fact that he saw himself winning on the cards, chose not to continue and they went to the cards. Lopez won, rightfully, but unimpressively.

Francisco Vargas defeated Jerry Belmontes by UD

This fight resembled the Leo Santa Cruz-Cesar Ceda fight. Belmontes attempted to box, and at times I believe well enough to win rounds, and Vargas just kept coming forward. The judges saw a landslide but I saw Vargas winning 4 of the 10 rounds.

Hugo Centeno Jr defeated Angel Osuna by TKO9

This was a non-televised fight.

Errol Spence defeated Gerardo Cuevas by TKO1

This fight wasn’t exactly competitive. Cuevas had the look of a cab driver, despite the pedigree from the name he bore. Spence beat Cuevas from the opening bell, mixing punches up beautifully, and finishing him with a left hook to the body.

Jermall Charlo defeated Joseph De los Santos by TKO5

Charlo defeated his man with methodical precision. His jab was thrown like an overhand right. He landed it at will. Ultimately, he began to mix his punches and follow with an overhand right. He finished De Los Santos in the 5th with a looping right hand.

Joseph ‘Jo Jo’ Diaz defeated Carlos Rodriguez by TKO7

Diaz is an exciting prospect who fights like a 122 lb Canelo. He puts together beautiful combinations and broke Rodriguez down over 7 rounds. Rodriguez never went down, but the accumulated damage he took prompted the referee to end his night.

From Jahnsportforum, Neubrandenburg, Necklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Juergen Braehmer defeated Marcus Oliveira by UD

Braehmer won the vacant WBA world light heavyweight title, dropping his man in the 10th and ultimately leaving no questions left to be asked. Braehmer is still on the outskirts in the light heavyweight division. The only benefit he has is that at age 35, he’s nowhere near ‘too old’ for the division.

Kubrat Pulev defeated Joey Abell by TKO5

This was a good weekend for Pulev. Pulev not only added another KO to his fairly anemic KO% for a top heavyweight against a heavy handed opponent, but he’s taken another step to capturing a heavyweight title as Vitali Klitschko has chosen politics over boxing.

Jack Culcay defeated Dieudonne Belinga by UD

From Palau Olimpic Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Hassan D’Dam N’Jikam defeated Anthony Fitzgerald by UD

From Ice Palace “Terminal”, Brovari, Ukraine

Ignacio Mendoz defeated Serhiy Fedchenko by SD

These Ukrainians are cold blooded! How dare they not rob the outsider. Fedchenko apparently didn’t learn to much going 12 rounds with Marquez as he was upset in his home town by the Dominican journeyman.

Max Bursak defeated Gari Abajiani by UD

Bursak makes another stride in his quest at middleweight.

Vladimir Tereshkin defeated Oleksiy Mazikin by UD

Oleksandr Usyk defeated Epifanio Mendoza by TKO4

Usyk was impressive stopping his man and improving to 2-0. Usyk is a prospect to watch.

From ExCel Arena, Dockland, London, UK

Kevin Mitchell defeated Brunet Zamora by TKO9

Leonard Bundo defeated Lee Purdy by TKO12

Martin Murray defeated Sergey Khomitsky on points

Murray’s performance this weekend was every bit as disappointing as Josesito Lopez’s. In fact, Murray may have looked a bit worse. In an 8 round fight, I believe the decision should have been a split one. Each guy had a case for winning. The Murray that showed up Saturday would be brutalized by the top tier middleweights and it makes me question just how bad Sergio was injured in their fight earlier this year.

Khalid Yafai defeated Ashley Lane by TKO4

Yafai is a prospect to watch. Lane was highly overmatched, and Yafai definitely took advantage.

Anthony Ogogo defeated Dan Blackwell on points

Ogogo is a good prospect, but this fight did not really showcase how good he is.

From Resorts International Hotel & Casino, Superstar Theatre, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Amir Mansour defeated Kelvin Price by TKO7

Darnell Wilson defeated David Rodriguez by KO6

Steve Cunningham defeated Manuel Quezada by UD

From Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas

Marcos Maidana defeated Adrien Broner by UD to win the WBA welterweight title

As Jim Lampley always says, boxing is the theater of the unexpected. After Saturday night, who can say they saw that coming? Maidana winning… on the cards!? A unanimous decision that nobody could dispute. This fight had all the components of a fight of the year and then some. It almost played out like a wrestling match. So much has already been said about this fight, so to summarize this fight is to simply say: the good guys finally won.

Keith Thurman defeated Jesus Soto Karass by TKO9

Although Karass hurt Thurman in the 1st round, the outcome of this fight was never in jeopardy. Karass looked slow and lethargic for the duration of the fight and it seemed for the entire fight that the outcome was all but certain. A win over Karass looks good for Thurman, but this fight is not indicative of how good Thurman will truly be.

Leo Santa Cruz defeated Cesar Seda by UD

Not the usual Santa Cruz fight. Seda was slick for most of the fight and moved often. Santa Cruz won, no doubt about that, but one thing people are probably certain about now is that Santa Cruz will get demolished by Rigondeaux. (I’ve known this all along.)

Beibut Shumenov defeated Tamas Kovacs by TKO3

Shumenov is in line now for a shot at Bernard Hopkins. Shumenov isn’t particularly fast, but he carries a lot of power behind his punches. It should make for an interesting fight, although Hopkins will probably win.

Jermain Taylor defeated Juan Carlos Candelo by TKO7

Rau’shee Warren defeated Jose Silveira by UD

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