Weathering With You: Cameos Explained (Yotsuha, Yukari ...

your name characters in weathering with you

your name characters in weathering with you - win

A totally biased review of our available units from Codex: SM in light of the new DA codex

So, in the interest of MAXIMUM HYPE, because this is hands down the best codex The Unforgiven have ever had short of whatever future codex brings back our true spiritual liege THE LION HIMSELF, I am going to go through and review our units in light of the reviews posted elsewhere, with some... unorthodox takes.
A few notes: 1) RAW, we get our +1 to attacks in the enemy's turn (besides overwatch) period, as we can't move during our opponents turn. We are officially very uncomfortable to assault, and makes a lot of our units which we might have frowned upon in the past far more useful.
2) For completeness, I am including Forgeworld, because I am a Forgeworld lover and have no need of my kidneys.
3) I'm looking at many units based upon the Grand Tournament mission pack; its the common set of missions I see played in my local meta, and I imagine given the Grand Tournament book is the cheapest way to get the rules, I imagine it is like that for many others as well. Literally, right after the lockdowns let up and players started coming together, the store sold out of them when we realized we could get the missions from there.
4) I'm not taking into account relics, which are all fantastic, some more situational than others (see: Pennant of Remembrance. RIP 5+ FNP bubble Pennant. May the angels carry you on your way to your deserved rest.)
5) Besides forgeworld, yes I am focusing on units in Codex: SM for now.
TO NOTE ABOUT CAPTAINS: You can run Azrael and a Captain, thanks to Azrael having the Chapter Master keyword. It is not recommended though unless you want to spread out your gunline. Just food for thought. You cannot run a deathwing Captain and Belial, though, nor can you run a Ravenwing Bike Captain and Sammael. You can run one deathwing/belial and one ravenwing/sammael, however. Because Dark Angels are cruise control for winning.
Primaris Captain: So, its a Primaris Captain, whom you can upgrade to being Deathwing, and honestly, you should, every game, even if you're not going to run him in a 1st Company detachment, because you're basically paying a small amount of points to give him permanent Transhuman Physiology. If you are running heavy Deathwing then Belial or Azrael will probably be your better bet, Belial for the Chapter Master rerolls, Azrael for the chapter master rerolls AND the 4++ aura. To note, his relic shield gives him the +1 to armor like a storm shield would and gives him a 4+ save vs mortal wounds, which is worth it if you're facing a lot of psychic and/or necrons in your local meta. Also note because we're Dark Angels that we can use a bolt carbine instead of an auto bolt rifle, trading out 1 shot for -2 ap, which given the number of marines out there may be worth it if you ask me.
Gravis Captains: With deathwing, these guys are the toughest baseline captains any chapter can have access to, having an extra toughness and wound over the Primaris Captain as well as having decent shooting and a master-crafted power sword, on top of the permanent Transhuman Physiology you're adding to them. If you have the points and aren't just using Azrael, I recommend the Boltstorm Gauntlet-wielding version, as in melee his -1 to hit rolls from gauntlet swings are negated the opponents turn if he gets charged, and he has the durability to survive a lot being thrown at him.
Captain in Phobos Armor: This guy may seem a bit silly at first, but he is king in gunlines. Again, I recommend Deathwing in case he gets picked out somehow, especially if you want to use Concealed Positions to deploy him forwards to start sniping at enemy characters. It is worth noting if you're using a lot of obscuring terrain that gives -1 to shooting, he can effectively ignore it if he stays still and remain hitting on a 2+.If he does get charged early from deploying forwards, the Inner Circle should help him stay standing for long enough for help to arrive.
Captain in Terminator Armor: You should just get Belial if you're doing to use one of these. You can use him on a budget, especially if you want to deepstrike him, however you're better off getting a Primaris or Gravis Captain at that point. Use him if you want to Deep Strike or have a badass terminator captain model you absolutely HAVE to use, that's essentially what this datasheet is for. He'll get Inner Circle for free which is nice, so he's not a BAD pick, there's just better in terms of toughness and/or capabilities available. They can get storm shields, though, and the gravis captains do not (the primaris captain can get the relic shield which does the same basic job), and -2 ap is pretty popular nowadays. So an argument can be made there, I won't judge.
Vanilla Captain: Same basic line of thinking as the first, the biggest difference here is that you can fit these guys with a Jump Pack and a storm shield, and having deathwing even in a greenwing army makes him that much more durable.
(NOTE: If you think I'm spamming 'buy deathwing' on the captains too much, just think about it; its a stratagem activation that costs no cp, is always active, and frees up the stratagem to be used on another unit. For, what, 15 points I think I saw in the preview? How is that NOT worth it for just ONE model? All you have to do is take advantage of it once to effectively make up the points you spent on it.)
Bike Captain: You may hate me for saying it, but I need to say it; Bike Captains are irrelevant as anything but a budget points option if you can't afford Sammael. Because the permanent transhuman only effects infantry models, you can't even justify buying deathwing for him, even if you could do it with bike captains (I mean, maybe you could? But at that point you're just trying to put a smash captain in a 1st company detachment). Even being Ravenwing doesn't help except for making 2nd company detachments, and again, you should be including Sammael instead, after you add in equipment for a smash captain Sammael is the same points anyways with better abilities. Jink does nothing for him since he has an Iron Halo. Sammael is just superior, hands down.
Primaris Lieutenant: If you're going to take him, you're going to make him into a Bladeguard Veteran style lieutenant with the storm shield and power sword to give him deathwing. Just face it, you are. No one's going to judge you for it (among your fellow Unforgiven brethren at least). Yes, you COULD set him up otherwise if you're going to get a greenwing gunline going, but even then, having a character like this to act as a speedbump is quite valuable. In combat patrols, he'll be a terror.
Lieutenant in Reiver Armor: Reivers are just not going to find a place in a lot of DA lists. At least, that's what you THINK I'm going to say. However, there is one combo that will see a lot of potential, well, tactical fuckery is a good name for it. Trephination. That's right, the joke power from editions past suddenly has become a terror, a WC 5 power that if the roll is higher than the enemy model's leadership, you get straight 3 mortal wounds as opposed to d3. Now think about what happens when you drop it by 2 because you put a lieutenant in reiver armor in there. If there's an enemy unit looking to move to take a no-mans-land objective and perform a special action from a secondary there, then putting your reiver lieutenant on them, casting engulfing fear first, and THEN smacking them with Trephination will be the ultimate psychic BEATDOWN. If you're taking Librarians, which you should now, then Reiver Lieutenants are awesome. Plus, you know you want to play the 40k version of a Dreadwing army. We have come. We are death.
Lieutenant in Phobos Armor and Lieutenant in Power Armor: Unfortunately, now's when we reach the point that Lieutenants aren't going to do a whole lot for you, at least, not compared with the prior ones, and especially not compared to the DA-specific ones I'll get to later. They're purpose is to be cheap and to embed in a gunline for rerolls to wounds, and honestly, you should be equipping the power armor one with a jump pack and master-crafted boltgun and have him jumping to whoever needs the reroll 1's to wound the most while firing a few potshots himself. The Phobos Armor lieutennat doesn't even have that going for him, short of being able to deepstrike with Death From Above, and THAT doesn't do him a whole lot of good unless you're dropping him down next to a Deathwing unit intending to deepstrike and shoot at something. Which, to be fair, could be a nice combo.
Now, for the fun stuff, librarians, which I'll do one overall summary for: TAKE THEM. I'll come out and say it: Every one of these librarians is good, and you can pick any of them and be justified in doing so. They are the toughest marine librarians thanks to having Inner Circle built in for free, no additional cost necessary, TYVM. Artificer Armor the ones that aren't in terminator armor so they have an invuln safe, and make your opponents weep. The core power armor librarian has access to a jump pack so he can be right where you need him to be. The phobos Librarian has concealed positions so you can start for sure in range to smite people. The terminator librarian can deep strike. The primaris librarian ironically becomes the LEAST useful of these, as he has the fewest weapon options and the fewest mobility options. The Phobos Librarian gets access to obscuration as well, so you can Mind Raid, for additional tactical fuckery when working with Reivers or a Reiver Lieutenant.
Chaplains: I'll combine these guys together as well, because there's only one thing you need to care about. Are they on a bike or in terminator armor? No? Then skip them. The Primaris Chaplain on Bike isn't helped that much by having Ravenwing since he already has a rosarius which makes Jink irrelevant for him, but he can still make for a mean smash chaplain. The Terminator Armor chaplain on the other hand gets deathwing which is a huge boon for him thanks to getting Inner Circle now. Not a bad choice if you aren't going for an interrogator chaplain.
Techmarines: They can't get Deathwing or Ravenwing, which is fitting, however, there is one consideration I would proffer for their use. Superheavy tanks. You see, a superheavy auxiliary detachment doesn't get the chapter tactics of their chapter, so it doesn't help, say, a spartan or an astraeus to stand still. However, a techmarine dedicated to supporting it gives it the +1 to hit anyways, and can heal it to boot. Granted, ANY chapter can do this, so it's not some earth shattering recommendation, but its still worth considering if you take a transport option like a spartan intending to have it deliver a squad to deathwing terminators (Which I definitely do not plan to do, no sir, not at alllll in the next tournament I have coming up 2 weeks after the DA codex drops).
OK. THATS IT FOR HQS. Lion ALMIGHTY there's a lot of them. Troops are much shorter and sweeter thankfully. And also I have some strange recommendations. Let's get to work.
Intercessor Squad: Quite frankly, using these guys in patrol detachments alongside deathwing detachments is going to be a big part of the meta going forwards, I promise you. For the cost of a Deathwing squad, you can fit 2 squads of these guys to hold backfield objectives, and since they'll be sitting in place they get their +1 to hit. Give them Stalker Bolt Rifles and fire potshots at range ALL GAME LONG with the enemies, they'll be nice for softening up targets before a terminator charge. PLUS, since you'll ALREADY have permanent transhuman physiology on your Deathwing, you can just laugh your way to the bank as you have no problem spending a CP to protect your two backline objective holding units.
Heavy Intercessor Squad: I thought these were an annoying joke at first, until once again, I realized, 'oh crap, these guys are great for digging in at range and unleashing a crapton of fire'. Give them the executor bolt rifle, they won't want to move anyways, set them up, and at 140 points for 5, they'll be great for providing fire support for your units moving up the board, and at t5 and 3 wounds and obsec by default, its a bit like having a more durable obsec devastator squad in your backfield. Their guns are better than storm bolters generally in terms of punch and range, so having them sit back is even with the hellstorm bolt rifles or heavy bolt rifles is a VERY GOOD DEAL. I would almost suggest a 5 man intercessor squad and a 5 man heavy intercessor squad as your two patrol troops choices in that case, because come on, the opponent can just TRY to put enough firepower downrange to shift these guys off a home objective when they already have 20+ deathwing terminators in your face.
Assault Intercessors: Dark Angels have never liked assault squads. Ever. Period. We just haven't, its ok to admit that. But... that may change here. I want to posit this potential line of thought: a screening advance of a big 10 man squad of these guys protecting your terminators from hordes charging them. When they get charged in the opponents turn, they'll get their +1 to hit. You'll have an apothecary with the terminators anyways because you're a smart player that wants to drive your opponent up the wall, so now these assault intercessors have FNP and you dropped Transhuman Physiology on them because your terminators certainly don't need you to spend it on them. And maybe Azrael is used instead of Belial, so they have a 4++ as well. Suddenly, this cheap, 180 point screening unit becomes an immovable wall, while your terminators are able to unleash hell from behind them with impunity and charge in if they desire, because you're smart with your placement and did 2 lines of 5 spread out to max coherency parallel to each other and offset slightly, opening holes for your terminators who are juuuust behind them to shoot whoever they want then charge in through the holes in your lines your (few) casualties created. Oh, and again, after weathering the storm, your assault intercessors (let's say 7 survived all that) are hitting back on WS 2+ with 29 attacks. Because you want to make your opponent feel special. Oh, and if you insist on using the Pennant of Rememberance, well, that means you have an Ancient, so the few that day have a 50/50 shot of getting their swings in anyways. LOL.
Infiltrator Squad: These guys might be even better backline objective holders than even the intercessors, as they block deepstriking within 12" of them and can negate the first attack you fail a save for. Not much else to say that hasn't already been said about the intercessors, but these guys are worth considering.
Incursor Squad: Honestly, the Infiltrator Squad is the better backline objective holder, if you're using these guys, its to set up early game shots and plant them down somewhere midboard with Concealed Positions. Still worth considering, but you have better choices; they're basically just going to be incursors with better shooting. Only 5 points difference between the two for a 5 man squad, so if you like being able to ignore cover and pop some mortal wounds on something charging you, knock yourself out.
Tactical Squad: I'm sorry guys. These may be on their last legs. They're still valuable as a discount option, but you're basically saving just 10 points from a 5 man squad for a heavy or special weapon option and no transhuman. If you have to trim 10 points like this, then you're list is already insanely tight.
submitted by PrimaryDriveEngaged to theunforgiven [link] [comments]

Koe No Katachi is ______ than Your Name (personal opinion)

I watched Koe No Katachi and binged the manga in 12 hours on Sunday. Since then I couldn't get it out of my head so I decided to try watching another acclaimed movie of a similar genre- Your name (I also watched weathering with you in the same sitting but I'll get to that later). While I would say both are among my top 10 films now, Koe No Katachi is just superior to Your Name for subjective and personal reasons.

To get it out of the way, Your Name is Brilliant. There are a lot of emotional punches, the animation and music are by far superior compared to Koe No Katachi (the voices always seemed off in KOK because they try to avoid animating a character talk) and it doesn't suffer from weird pacing due to it being an adaptation. Koe No Katachi is also brilliant and I loved that it was a story touching on the ideas that many other films wouldn't. It's portrayl of every character is brilliant in that they are relatable (even ueno and kawai) in how tragically flawed each one is. There is hardly a character that doesn't go through any change or at least an exposition. Each character is memorable and has their part to play in Ishida's redemption and to reflect an extreme aspect of Ishida's personality.

That said, the difference between the two films is how it stuck with me in the commencing hours and days. I don't rank movies by a 1-10 score, but rather I rank it from time-killer to decent to memorable to life changing. Films like inception and avengers infinity war are examples of what is in the memorable section. However, there have only been two movies that have been given life changing: Pixar's Soul, and Koe No Katachi. It's pretty obvious that the difference between memorable to life changing isn't based necessarily on the quality of the film itself but how it resonates with me. For example, I walked out of Soul with a desire to live life better and spend every moment living rather than focusing so much on the stuff I have to do. That's life changing.

Koe No Katachi resonates with me because it was down to earth with its themes of guilt, forgiveness, consequence, and mental health. It made me reflect how I was coping with the things happening in my life and realize that everything I do has a consequence. It has truly made me want to change and heal. Your Name doesn't do this. It was a memorable escape experience for me, but it didn't linger as much as KNK did and it has everything to do with how fantastical and unrealistic some scenes were. It serves to pull the audience out of this world but the moment I snap back to reality, it becomes less and less important. The themes portrayed in Your Name are primarily regarding destiny between two people and following traditions. I realize that was extremely generalized and there is a lot more meaning behind the japanese traditions but for me, it just didn't relate very much with me. It was great on an entertainment level, but the usefulness of the film ended when the credits rolled.

Another aspect that Koe No Katachi is superior is characterization. Firstly, most of the background characters in Your Name are one dimensional and are just used for exposition. Meanwhile, nearly every character in Koe No Katachi plays some kind of vital role or is at least somewhat fleshed out (with the sad exception of satoshi). Secondly, the main characters in KNK have a before and after (except kawai) where their personality or their outlook on life changes. Nishimiya learns to stop blaming herself for everything, and Ishida realizes that all he has done is run away from his problems. If you wanted more changes from other characters, you got the manga. I'd go as far as to say Miyoko and Ueno have some changes too, just not as overt as the manga. meanwhile, Taki and Mitsuha, while having obstacles to face, don't really change much intrinsically. They have a goal, sure, but it's not a personal growth or change that makes you go aww or tear up. They just overcome their obstacles and get on with life while feeling a little empty. It's just raw emotion and attachment that you feel with these characters but they aren't nearly as effective in conveying that these are realistic characters who can grow.

I also mentioned Weathering with you in the intro. It was alright but surprisingly, it stuck with me longer than your name. It was nowhere near as mesmerizing or captivating as Your Name or life changing as KNK but in it's own right, this film is a great middle ground for these two. The animation is superb (though the rain scenes started to get a little repetetive, I feel like the whole point of this movie was to flex rain animation), the characters, while still detecting very little change, seem more lively and down to earth than Your Name, and the themes are portrayed are better than Your Name. There are many ways to interpret it, but the way i see the theme is: how far are you willing to go for a loved one, helping someone in need, and learning to live for yourself rather than for others. As someone who sometimes fails to see his own worth, and often feels constrained by societical and familial pressure, I remind myself that I don't live for others and making other people happy isn't the end all be all. That was Hina's arc and while some people hate that these kids destroyed a whole city, I would argue it was an unfair situation to put two kids in that position to begin with. This movie is, while subjectively worse than Your name, a better viewing experience for me.

TL;DR Koe No Katachi > Weathering with You > Your Name because of characters and themes. All are great and I had a lot of punches in my emotions watching all three
submitted by Bryanhui773 to KoeNoKatachi [link] [comments]

Details of the GTAVI 4chan leaker AMA that got taken down

All the details from the GTAVI 4chan leaker AMA that got taken down
Saw that a lot of people missed out on the 4chan AMA since it got taken down (kinda sus), but decided to gather everything they said about the game there and compile it into a list
For all I know this could be fake. I found it interesting so decided to put it into a list for more people to determine its credibility. But tbh it is hard to bs so much in an AMA that was an hour long, some details that they mention are very specific. Just doesn't seem that the leaker came up with the things from the top of their head, maybe it was thought out but its interesting nevertheless.
submitted by meetsejpal to GamingLeaksAndRumours [link] [comments]

Little Nightmares II - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Little Nightmares II
Developer: Tarsier Studios
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 83 average - 92% recommended - 84 reviews
NB: to fit Reddit's character limit, the following list is not including non-English written reviews.

Critic Reviews

Attack of the Fanboy - Tasha Quinn - 4 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares II excels at creating a truly eerie atmosphere that'll stay with you even after you've put your controller down.
AusGamers - Kosta Andreadis - 8.4 / 10
Being placed in a world akin to a setting kids might be whisked away to if they were transported to a nightmarish version of their own imagination -- by that interdimensional beast that lives underneath their floorbirds -- it's, yeah, terrifying.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 90 / 100
Being almost double the length of its predecessor, Little Nightmares II is a larger, more disgusting beast that is essential to gamers that are intrigued by the morbid. Whether you enjoy art, cinema, or games that explore themes of the grotesque, there are not many examples of it being done this well.
Chicas Gamers - Estela Villa - Spanish - Unscored
Little Nightmares 2 is a game where the central theme is escapism through the journey of Mono and Six. The title will explore the consequences of living a life full of distractions while hiding from the painful truth of existence. Undoubtedly a great game that despite its short duration, will keep you tense and will make you think a little to solve its puzzles.
Cultured Vultures - Ryan Stevens - 8.5 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is an ambitious, thrilling sequel that occasionally reaches just beyond its grasp, but stays engrossing and terrifying the whole way through. - Dan Rizzo - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is undoubtedly unmissable. [...] The insidious nature that carries its twisted aura throughout the campaign, ensures to encapsulate apprehension, awe, disgust, dismay, hatred, panic, abhorrence and terror.
Daily Mirror - Ryan Brown - 4 / 5 stars
A Nintendo Switch copy of this game was provided for review purposes.
Little Nightmares II is out February 11 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC for £29.99.
Daily Star - 4.5 / 5 stars
A top effort, and we’re already looking forward to Little Nightmares 3.
Darkstation - Sam Hallahan - 5 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares II builds greatly upon what the first title achieved, and pushes with great effort to accomplish even more in its setting, design, and gameplay - and it absolutely succeeds in every area of the game.
Destructoid - Jordan Devore - 8.5 / 10
Whether you're a seasoned survivor or an all-new player, you'll have a thrilling time with the sequel. It's ideal to start from the beginning, but it's not mandatory – this freaky story stands on its own.
Digital Chumps - Ben Sheene - 9.5 / 10
Little Nightmares II builds on the original's macabre formula of unsettling imagery and clever puzzles by crafting more diverse environments and expanding the player's toolset for solving and escaping tense situations.
Easy Allies - Brad Ellis - 8.5 / 10
Little Nightmares II once again takes you on a disturbing journey through a vividly realized world.
Eurogamer - Vikki Blake - Recommended
Tarsier returns with another slice of horror that's just about glorious enough to make up for the frustrations.
GAMES.CH - Sönke Siemens - German - 83 / 100
Despite some rather annoying trial-&-error sections and puzzles which feel a bit too easy, Little Nightmares 2 managed to excite us from start to finish. Visuals are great, sound design is awesome, gameplay offers a fair amount of variety and the environmental story-telling again works excellent. Sadly this scary adventure is already over after roughly seven hours.
Game Informer - Jeff Cork - 9.3 / 10
This impressive follow-up builds on its predecessor with emotional gut punches and unnerving visuals that stick with you
Game Rant - Dalton Cooper - 4 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares 2 makes some major quality of life and gameplay improvements while still delivering plenty of scares to keep players on edge.
Game Revolution - Mack Ashworth - 7.5 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 succeeds in building on the foundation that the original game laid out. The folks at Tarsier Studios have expanded on the story and lore with new characters and settings, added gameplay mechanics that don’t overcomplicate the action or bloat the pacing, and proven themselves worryingly imaginative when it comes to thinking up dastardly denizens of a perfectly grim world.
GameByte - Lara Jackson - 9 / 10
If you enjoy dark stories, difficult gameplay and the original game, Little Nightmares 2 is absolutely a must-play dark fairytale that you shouldn’t miss out on (if you can help it)! LN2 is a triumph for Tarsier Studios, but definitely needs to rethink accessibility.
GameGrin - Adam Kerr - 10 / 10
A fantastic sequel soaked in atmosphere and tension. Little Nightmares II surpasses its predecessor far beyond what anyone would have expected. An outstanding finale which stretches from the finale boss fight from the closing credits will have fans desperate for a third installment.
GamePitt - Rob Pitt - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II is a great continuation of the grotesque exploration puzzle series. The game is a solo adventure, yet you’ll be joined by the protagonist of the previous game, both working together to discover the reason behind the strange signal and put an end to its hypnotic control. Some parts can get frustrating when trying to run away or solve a puzzle with a timer before you get slaughtered, but this only leads to a lot of satisfaction upon completion. Aside from a few issues with the controls, there’s very little to complain about within this brilliant no hand-holding horror game.
Whereas the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in terms of the gameplay, the updated visuals, immersive sound, confusing yet interesting story, and new gruesome freaks, all combine to ensure that after playing Little Nightmares II, you’ll be having ‘Little Nightmares’ of your own…
GameSkinny - Jordan Baranowski - 9 / 10 stars
Little Nightmares 2 is bigger and better than the original, offering up a larger world to explore and all new enemies waiting to devour you.
GameSpew - Kim Snaith - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II is a true evolution from the first game. Tarsier Studios has done a fantastic job in creating a world that’s even more terrifying, brought to life with absolutely sublime art and sound.
GameWatcher - Luiz Coelho - 8.5 / 10
Not only does Little Nightmares 2 live up to its name, but it also improves on nearly every aspect of the first game. Players may run into a few frustrating hiccups along the way, but exploring this horrific world with Mono and Six is immensely satisfying. At the end of the day, I'd recommend this one to any fan of surreal horror stories with emotional twists, though you might have trouble sleeping when it's all said and done.
Gamers Heroes - Johnny Hurricane - 85 / 100
Little Nightmares 2 improves upon the original with more terror, better puzzles, and a fantastic atmosphere. Fans of horror or puzzle games shouldn't hesitate to pick this one up.
GamesRadar+ - Leon Hurley - 4 / 5 stars
An amazing little horror game that can be as frustrating as it is brilliant.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 makes every single moment count to craft a truly unsettling experience and to wordlessly deliver an expertly paced and impactful story.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II tells a beautiful yet fragile story of friendship, sadness, and searching for the light among the darkness. The puzzles are well-designed, the music is stunning, and the visuals are on another level.
GotGame - Brian Zuhl - 9.5 / 10
Tarsier Studios has created a dark and depressing world like no other. A gripping tale of adversity that has you begging for more. Little Nightmares II is the light at the end of the tunnel that you never knew you needed.
Hardcore Gamer - Jordan Helm - 4 / 5
That same distortion and monstrous-like exaggeration of previous may be out in full force once again, but Little Nightmares II succeeds on its bolder and more refined continuation from the 2017 original.
Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - 82 / 100
With a presentation that will give you the creeps, a premise that's still very original and a gameplay formula that adds some welcome improvements, Little Nightmares II has every ingredient to make fans that liked (feared?) the first game love this one too.
IGN Italy - Gabriele Carollo - Italian - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is a decisive step forward for Tarsier Studios. The art style is set to an high standard, but the gameplay noverlties don't all work perfectly. It remains a fascinating adventure, a must for anyone who loved the first Little Nightmares.
IGN Middle East - Zaher Albalbisi - Arabic - 8.2 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 brings a tremendously beautiful artistic mix and sound design, filled with very fun puzzles and some refreshing elements to gameplay, yet however, we still see some issues from the first game returns here and a missed chance for co-op gameplay
Jump Dash Roll - Jesse Gregoire - 8 / 10
Despite some frustrating combat and platforming issues, Little Nightmares II is better than its predecessor in every way. Don't miss it.
LevelUp - Pedro Pérez Cesari - Spanish - 7.8 / 10
Little Nightmares II arrives as a sequel that delivers a dark adventure full of puzzles and feels like a journey through a charming nightmare. Being that it is so similar to its predecessor, you should also expect the same setbacks, such as short duration, clunky controls and poor replayability.
Metro GameCentral - 9 / 10
A thoroughly entertaining work of video game art that improves mechanically on the original and proves thought-provoking in terms of more than just the puzzle-solving.
MondoXbox - Mirko Rusciano - Italian - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares II improves on the first game's formula in every way: better narrative, more varied puzzles and gameplay, better design overall. It still suffers from the experience only lasting a handful of hours, but it's definitely a worthy one.
MonsterVine - Samantha Lienhard - 4.5 / 5
If you enjoyed the first Little Nightmares, you’ll most likely enjoy its sequel as well, while newcomers will also find a good experience.
Next Gen Base - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II has far surpassed the original, and it holds true that this series remains one of the most terrifying and emotionally provocative experiences you will ever face! Once again Tarsier Studios have enthralled me, gripping me for a solid 9 hours straight playthrough that I just could not step away from. I have experienced loneliness, companionship, hope, joy, despair, terror and betrayal. Overall, I feel like my heart has been ripped out, but I would willingly go through it all again. If I had to find fault with anything, the controls can be a little cumbersome and may take some getting used to, and at times my jumps did not quite land the way I wanted. I only encountered one bug where a hatch would not open by a checkpoint, but this was easily resolved by restarting from that point. Will I be revisiting? Yes, it appears I truly am a masochist, but there are collectible, wearable hats and sorrowful glitches I must go back for. I am sure this is not the last we will see of Six and Mono’s story, and I am genuinely excited to see what comes next!
Nexus Hub - Robert de Wit - 9.5 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is an absolutely brilliant puzzle platformer, with just enough creepy to keep you on the edge of your seat. An excellent step-up from their first outing, Tarsier Studios has created a phenomenal world, tackling incredibly adult concepts from the perspective of a child.
Nintendo Enthusiast - Jaimie Ditchfield - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II is one of those "experience" kind of games. It is similar to titles such as Journey and Abzu, where it's all about the journey, not the destination. Little Nightmares II revels in its use of compelling level design to tell a deep and saddening tale of discovery. The stealth sections in particular provided some truly intense moments, with the world of Pale City always providing a constant, creepy atmosphere. My time spent exploring dark hallways, brooding corridors, and creepy streets will be something I'll always remember.
Nintendo Life - Stuart Gipp - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares II is nothing less than engaging from start to finish, with superb pacing, entertainingly varied level design and excellent graphics and performance. Its only real flaws are based on the imprecision that comes with all games in its sub-genre, as well as a few sections that feel more about trial and error than reactive survival. In our view, though, this doesn't detract from a far superior sequel and one of the best cinematic platformers we've had the privilege of enjoying. A real stylish treat.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II is easily going to be one of the best games of 2021. Its horror themes weigh on the player throughout the entirety of the adventure to a climax that will leave you breathless. Pacing through the various puzzles creates a nice balance of linear game design and subtle exploration. It's a game that anyone can get through if they can stand to be scared a little, but the trial-and-error approach makes it an easy recommendation to gamers of all skill levels.
Paste Magazine - Joseph Stanichar - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares II's ambition makes the original look like its introduction, and although this added ambition contributes to some of its frustrations, they ultimately don't prevent it from becoming even more clever, gripping and chilling than its predecessor.
PlayStation Universe - Joe Apsey - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is a game that pulls together every aspect of a game's presentation and pulls it off miraculously. Everything here is amplified from the original and moments feel like true cinematic wonders, unlike anything you have seen before. Combat doesn't always work, but the whole package is truly impressive and a showcase of the talent Tarsier Studios possess.
Polygon - Austen Goslin - Unscored
Little Nightmares 2 is a horrifying journey that occasionally loses its way
PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 8.8 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is a superb puzzle-platformer that'll worm its way into your brain and stay there.
Press Start - James Mitchell - 7.5 / 10
Little Nightmares II isn't content with just iterating on its predecessor, instead improving on it in practically every way. The puzzles are challenging and rewarding, combat surprisingly functional, and the imagery is as striking as ever. While trial-and-error design bogs down Little Nightmares II considerably, it's far and away a better game than the original.
Pure Xbox - Daniel Hollis - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares II is bigger and bolder, which builds upon the foundations from the first game. The game is host to a disgusting, decaying world that opens up as you progress through each chapter. Its inhabitants will haunt your dreams for days and the emotional connection it draws between Mono and Six with absolutely no dialogue is powerful. It is worth noting that certain combat encounters and high stakes moments can become troublesome and do provide occasional road blocks which prevent the game from reaching its full potential. As it stands though, Little Nightmares II is a thrill ride filled with visually striking moments of pure nightmare fuel, which may invite you to leave your lamp on for the foreseeable future.
Push Square - Sammy Barker - 6 / 10
Little Nightmares II is worth experiencing for its art direction alone, although its hand cramping controls can be an obstacle at times. The title relies far too heavily on trial and error, which frustrates, but many of its encounters will live with you long after the credits roll, and so it's successful at creating a lasting impression. It's a stiff and rigid release, but its puzzles are constantly reinventing themselves, and each frame draws you in with its surreal and unsettling imagery.
PushStartPlay - Richard Lee Breslin - 8.5 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is made up of creatures that would even keep the worst of demons up at night, waking up in cold sweats of terror too afraid to sleep alone in the dark.
Reno Gazette-Journal - Jason Hidalgo - 8.5 / 10
Franklin Roosevelt once famously said that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Then again, he was never chased by the oversized head of a giant schoolmarm with a serpentine neck. It’s just one example of the many surprises that Little Nightmares II has in store for players who wander into its bizarre and melancholic world. If you love creepy adventure thrillers with puzzle platforming to boot, this is one nightmare you’d want to tuck into. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is a little too short but it offers a great horror with some stealth and platforming.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 9 / 10
With an excellent blend of horror and puzzles, Little Nightmares 2 is a homerun for Tarsier Studios and Bandai Namco Entertainment.
TechRaptor - Jason Robbins - 8.5 / 10
Little Nightmares 2 is a sequel that ups the ante on everything from the gameplay to the nightmares themselves.
Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 4 / 5 stars
Tarsier's horror sequel is a lean and twisted platformer with an eye for the grotesque
The Digital Fix - Andrew Shaw - 10 / 10
A perfect sequel. Expanding on what worked last time, improving what did not work, adding ideas that were missing, and taking the story to places we have never seen before. As a fan of Little Nightmares, you could not ask for more.
The Games Machine - Marco Bortoluzzi - Italian - 9 / 10
Little Nightmares II is based on the relationship between Six and Mono, both from a narrative and a gameplay perspective, and there will be heart-pounding situations where you will come to wonder how much you are willing to push yourself to get both children safe from this spiral of pure terror. If you enjoyed the original game, this new chapter is another little gem worth buying.
TheGamer - 4.5 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares 2 is another incredible trip into the horrible world that Tarsier Studios has created.
TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub - 8 / 10
It's rather obvious, but if enjoyed the first Little Nightmares then you will enjoy the Little Nightmares II. While some new elements have been added it is more of a next chapter to the story than a full blown sequel. The attention detail is incredible, bringing the story to life without a single spoken word. It's unsettling, creepy, darkly amusing, and at times a little frustrating, but immensely enjoyable. Another little, slime covered gem from Tarsier Studios.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 4 / 5 stars
With Little Nightmares 2 Tarsier Studios has once again dreamt up a wonderfully unnerving world filled with grotesque and fantastical creatures that is a horrifying pleasure to explore.
Twinfinite - Andrew McMahon - 4.5 / 5
Chase sequences and the overall ambiance are as bone-chilling and thrilling as ever, while puzzles are even more challenging and satisfying to complete thanks to the tragic duo of Mono and Six. Even if you aren’t a horror fan, I’d highly recommend you play Little Nightmares II, as it currently sits as my favorite game of 2021 so far.
VG247 - Tom Orry - 4 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares 2 is a superb sequel that carries on the impressive tone of the original, but improves in all key areas. This isn’t explosive horror, there’s no gore or torture, and for the most part you’re jumping onto levers, solving puzzles, and climbing up furniture, but that doesn’t mean Tarsier hasn’t created a standout horror experience.
Vamers - Edward Swardt - Recommended
GOOD - Little Nightmares II is a delight to play, but its weak narrative and overarching goal dissuade from a wonderfully immersive world. Running away from big bad enemies and solving frantic puzzles in dark rooms are incredibly fun and surprisingly addictive. The game is fairly small with a very short campaign spread over three or four main locales (hopefully future DLC will alleviate this feeling). The game’s reliance on external sources for lore is also a bit disappointing. Fortunately, the minor caveats are forgotten courtesy of the wonderfully scary and well thought out world on offer. Little Nightmares II is a wonderfully scary delight, a great addition to the Little Nightmares Collection, and is a must play for anyone who enjoyed the first title.
VideoGamer - Josh Wise - 7 / 10
It's worth pointing out that few other studios have the confidence to take this approach to horror: not to jolt you with sudden frights or to ration your ammunition, but to probe and puncture your emotional ease by putting foulness in such close proximity to the childish.
Washington Post - Elise Favis - 9 / 10
“Little Nightmares 2″ shattered my expectations. I expected something scary, but the impeccable sound design, terrifying enemy encounters and clever puzzles make it worth revisiting, even after completion. This nightmarish experience has a lot to offer. Just don’t expect to get much sleep after playing.
Wccftech - Nathan Birch - 6 / 10
Little Nightmares II often manages to recapture the unsettling essence of Tarsier Studios' original game, but almost every attempt to expand the formula falls flat, resulting in an experience as lumpy and misshapen as the game's shambling monstrosities. If you loved the original Little Nightmares and need to know what happens to Six next, this sequel might be worth your time, but more fair-weather fans may regret reliving this particular bad dream.
We Got This Covered - Cheyenne Clark - 3.5 / 5 stars
With its delightfully scary monster designs and ominous atmosphere, Little Nightmares II stands out as a truly unique horror experience. Sure, it falters in some of its puzzles and clunky controls, but it makes up for it with its art and level design.
WellPlayed - Kieron Verbrugge - 8.5 / 10
Little Nightmares II doesn't break the mould established by its predecessor but it improves on it in a number of small ways while introducing fans to a new cast of creepy characters to be kept up at night by
Windows Central - Jez Corden - 5 / 5 stars
Little Nightmares II builds on its predecessor as a sequel should, expanding the scope of the universe both in terms of lore and mechanics. Little Nightmares II is one of 2021's first must-play titles.
Worth Playing - Andreas Salmen - 8.6 / 10
Little Nightmares II is a gem of a game that successfully builds on everything that made the first one great. It's a short but well-polished and atmospheric horror-platformer that oozes with creepy charm. While its core physics-based platformer gameplay hasn't seen many radical changes, the setting, storytelling, and world-building alone make it worth experiencing. If you're a fan of the first entry or the likes of Limbo or Inside, LM2 is well worth the adventure … if you dare.
Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 60 / 100
Despite contriving its fair share of unsettling moments, Little Nightmares II is a disappointing follow-up to one of 2017's most pleasant surprises. It might be a bigger game than its forebear, but it certainly isn't better.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 8 / 10
Little Nightmares II is a wonderful sequel that adds unnecessary combat to the mix. The journey is still worth pushing through just to experience the horrors the team has delivered. I love these type of games as it stimulates that certain part of my brain that creates a sense of discomfort while also letting me solve puzzles to stay alive. The lighter price point and promise of next-gen updates also make it worth your time. Don’t miss out on the first genuinely disturbing game of 2021.
submitted by ThibaultV to Games [link] [comments]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2021-02-09]

Nightfall - The Ordeal: The Devils' Lair



Weekly Crucible Rotator: Mayhem

Fight for Valor by defeating opponents. Abilities and Supers regenerate faster. Heavy ammo spawns more frequently.

Vanguard Burn: Void Singe

The other modifieres rotate daily, check out the Daily Reset Thread for them!


  • Eclipsed Zone: Eventide Ruins
  • Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: Defeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.
  • Exo Challenge: Simulation: Survival: Simulated Skill-Set Training: Survive the harsh weather as you take down the Vex.

Legacy Activities

  • Moon:
    • Wandering Nightmare: Fallen Council (Archer's Line)
    • Trove Guardian is in Archer's Line
    • Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: Defeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.
    • Nightmare Hunt: Pride: Defeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.
    • Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: Defeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.
  • Dreaming City: Weak Curse
    • Petra is at The Strand.
    • Weekly Mission: Broken Courier - Respond to a distress call in the Strand.
    • Ascendant Challenge: Forfeit Shrine, Gardens of Esila
    • Blind Well: Scorn, Plagues: Sikariis & Varkuuriis

Eververse Bright Dust Offerings

Name Description Type Cost
Concentrated Mattergem An Upgrade Module ionizer created from refined Mattergems. Consumable 200 Bright Dust
Glimmershard A shard with the ability to generate Glimmer during combat. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
Scavenger's Boon A transmutation device with the ability to create planetary materials. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
Blood in the Water Vehicle 2500 Bright Dust
Lampion Shell Ghost Shell 2850 Bright Dust
Warsat Arrival Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Bruised Blush Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
Playground Ride Emote 3250 Bright Dust
Cross-Step Shuffle Emote 700 Bright Dust
The Grateful Crane Vehicle 2500 Bright Dust
Chela-N Ship 2000 Bright Dust
Eight Ball Shell For Ghosts who want to be consulted. Ghost Shell 400 Bright Dust
Devil's Advocate Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Devil's Ruin. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
Beastly Projection Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection. Ghost Projection 500 Bright Dust
Chalco's Finery Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
Reefmade Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
Verdigris Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
Abyssinian Gold Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
Champion Entrance Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Ketch Flight Entrance Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Stasis Entrance Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust

Weekly Bounties

Shaw Han, Cosmodrome
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Public Disturbance Complete public events on the Cosmodrome. Heroic public events grant the most efficient progress. 1000 Glimmer 3 Public events XP & Glimmer
Full Spectrum Defeat combatants on the Cosmodrome with Arc, Void, and Solar damage. 1000 Glimmer 25 [Arc] Arc & 25 [Void] Void & 25 [Solar] Solar XP & Glimmer

Notable Armor Rolls

Only notable rolls (stat total >= 58 or single stat >= 26) are listed here.
Class Name Vendor Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Titan Cinder Pinion Helm Crucible Helmet 8 16 6 9 13 6 58 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Titan Wildwood Gauntlets EDZ Gauntlets 8 16 6 9 13 6 58 20 Legendary Shards & 10 Dusklight Shard
Hunter Phobos Warden Strides Vanguard Leg Armor 13 2 16 13 6 8 58 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Best Anime Dub: Round 1, Group A

P.S. I wasn't able to post this yesterday for various reasons, so this round will last until tomorrow (January 7th) at 10pm GMT/6pm EDT/3pm PDT





Today's Matchups - Round 1, Group A

Entrant Studio Dub Cast Vs Entrant Studio Dub Cast
#1. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Funimation Link vs #128. Deadman Wonderland Funimation Link
#64. The Quintessential Quintuplets Funimation Link vs #65. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Bang Zoom! Link
#32. Hensuki: Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she's a cutie? Funimation Link vs #97. How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Funimation Link
#33. Violet Evergarden Spliced Bread Link vs #96. Akudama Drive Kocha Sound Link
#16. Mob Psycho 100 Bang Zoom! Link vs #113. anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Bang Zoom! Link
#49. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Sentai Filmworks Link vs #80. Samurai Champloo Bang Zoom! Link
#17. A Certain Magical Index/Scientific Railgun Funimation Link vs #112. D-Frag! Funimation Link
#48. Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Funimation Link vs #81. Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist Funimation Link
#8. Your Name NYAV Post Link vs #121. Shirobako Sentai Filmworks Link
#57. Parasyte: The Maxim Sentai Filmworks Link vs #72. Little Witch Academia Artwood Sound Link
#25. No Game No Life Sentai Filmworks Link vs #104. Weathering With You NYAV Post Link
#40. Erased Bang Zoom! Link vs #89. Durarara!! Bang Zoom! Link
#9. Steins;Gate Funimation Link vs #120. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Bang Zoom! Link
#56. Hyouka Funimation Link vs #73. Great Pretender NYAV Post Link
#24. Spice and Wolf Funimation Link vs #105. Bleach Studiopolis Link
#41. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Bang Zoom! Link vs #88. Hinamatsuri Funimation Link
Here's a breakdown of how many dubs from the 128 finalists have been done by each studio. (Note: My Next Life as a Villainess is listed as 'Crunchyroll' since I can't find any information on which LA Studio produced the dub)
Studio Count
Funimation 58
Bang Zoom! 32
Sentai Filmworks 17
NYAV Post 4
Studiopolis 4
Ocean 3
Animaze 2
Spliced Bread 2
Artwood Sound 1
Buena Vista (Disney) 1
Crunchyroll 1
Kocha Sound 1
submitted by NathanW36 to Animedubs [link] [comments]

All the details from the GTAVI 4chan leaker AMA that got taken down

Saw that a lot of people missed out on the 4chan AMA since it got taken down (kinda sus), but decided to gather everything they said about the game there and compile it into a list
For all I know this could be fake. I found it interesting so decided to put it into a list for more people to determine its credibility. But tbh it is hard to bs so much in an AMA that was an hour long, some details that they mention are very specific. Just doesn't seem that the leaker came up with the things from the top of their head, maybe it was thought out but its interesting nevertheless.
submitted by meetsejpal to GTA6 [link] [comments]

[Compiled] The most common questions in BuriedBornes.

To help new players, gamers or issues that are common to the game more effectively, this is a Compilation of the Most Common Questions made about the game and its respective links.
(All of the links and posts were made with the help of other members, none of the links, posts, guides and tutorials were made by me originally. This is a way to thank the community for all their efforts to improve the performance and enjoyment of all. )
(I will try to update this post as much i can).
I hope you find the answers to your questions.
In Discord community to see the MCQ/FAQ go:
Bots_spam music > !mb2 r faq
Compilation Summary:
  • I : Discord, Unofficial Guide and Speedrun.
  • II : BuriedBornes on PC tutorial.
  • III : Classes Question
  • IV: Stage Questions.
  • V : Questions in general.
  • VI : Grind types.
  • VII : Capture and Dissection.
  • VIII : Status Ailment and Status Questions.
  • IX : Equipment Questions.
  • X : Amulets and Contracts Questions.
  • XI : Skills Questions.
  • XII : Any strong BUILD?
  • XIII : Staff and Acknowledgement.
  • I : Discord, Unofficial Guide and Speedrun:
  • Link for BuriedBornes DISCORD server:
  • Does this game have a guide? (Unofficial game guide)
Unofficial Game Guide
  • Rank of Buriedbornes Speedruns:
  • II : BuriedBornes on PC tutorial :
  • PC 1) Can I play BuriedBornes on PC?
  • PC 1.1) PC Guide:
  • III : Classes Questions:
  • Class 1) Which class should I choose?
Discord Link
  • Classes Guide :
  • Class 2) Warrior Guide:
Discord Link
  • Class 3) [In-Depth Exploration of the Ridiculous Angel] Guide:
  • IV: Stage Questions:
  • Dungeon Tier list, Effects, Colors, Unlock Stage :
  • 1) How can I unlock Stages?
Beating 25F of a dungeon unlocks the one directly above it, as well as any that are "pointed at" by the arrows in the destination selection screen.
The only exception is Universe. All dungeons to the right of Crucible (likely also Crucible itself, but testing this is a huge time investment) must be beaten up to 25F.
Boss Fights in Floors: 25F boss repeats every 50 floors, 100F every 100.
  • 1.1) What do each room's colors mean?
  • Dark Gray = No effect
  • Red = Damage + 15%
  • Blue = Shield + 15%
  • Light Blue = CD + 1
  • Green = CD - 1
  • Light Gray = Effectiveness of fixed skills + 15%
  • Yellow = Healing effectiveness + 15%
  • Pink = Barrier activation chance + 25%
  • 1.1.1) What is room effects?
+Info : The BuriedBornes guide has Rooms effects guides too + New room effects has been added to the game, consult BuriedBornes Discord community for more informations.
  • 1.2) Dungeon Score Tier list?
Tier List
+Info: Dungeon tier doesn't affect hall of fame rewards. Only Glorious Goal.
The BB wiki has some errors, this is the correct information:
  • Universe and Ominous are tier 5.
  • Weekly, Weekly Ex, Ominous, and season dungeons (if any) are available from the start; not just Laby.
  • 1.2.1) Any tips for increase Game Score?
Higher tier dungeon, Challenger, high score rooms and enemy types (see bbg scoring+formulas sheet).
Also, there's a section in BuriedBornes Discord community with more information (#general-game-discussion pins)
  • 1.3) What are the Dungeon Effects and how can I protect myself against them?
Advice : To see Dungeon Effects on Destination map, tapping the dungeon name will show you the effects.
Here is the list of Dungeon Effects:
  • Labyrinth / Palace of Karma :
No Dungeon Effects.
  • NightMare / Hell :
Defeat any boss you get Nightmare debuff (Increase one of your skills cooldown, also know as Slow/Paralyse).
Have equipped: Fleet-Footed, One Rope (See section 17)
  • Weathering / Epidemic / Purgatory :
Equipment degradation.
Have equipped: Plating (See section 21)
  • Tiger's Hole / Trials :
Enemies will out scale in in terms of level.
Tiger's hole: 25% exp reduction.
Trials: 75% exp reduction.
Have equipped: Any +Experience (+Exp) skills.
  • Turbulence / Sanctuary :
Modified Enemys, drop modified skills, 50% less exp from enemy.
  • Crucible :
More room effects.
  • Ominous :
Ominous has the same modifiers as Universe (modified enemies, equip melt, Nightmare, exp reduction). Only differences between them are the different 9/10/25/100F bosses and the exp reduction amount; -25% Ominous exp vs -50% Universe.
  • Universe :
Universe Effects
+Info: Monster level scaling is very high.
(To prevent effects see sections above and section Quoted)
  • How can I unlock UNIVERSE Stage?
(To know which floors you have already won see section 2)
  • 2) What does the BLUE and YELLOW star on the Destination map mean?
  • Info: BLUE if you cleared 25F with any job; GOLD if you cleared 100F with the currently selected job.
  • 3) What are the advantages of continuing playing after the 100th floor of the normal labyrinth?
  • 4) Do I get any reward if I get on floor 101 with high score?
  • V : Questions in general:
  • Union 1) What is Union?
Discord Link
  • Warn 1) Why Revive the char after battle end is BAD?
-Are you sure you want to pay Gold Shards to revive this character? ⚠️
-You will return to the floor that you died.
-You will lose 24% score.
-You can't register this character to ranking server.
-You will not encounter 100F Boss.
  • Mob 1) What are modified monsters and what can they do?
+Note: Some information are be modified or outdated. Consult Discord community for more info.
  • 5) How can I put my points on the Rank list?
+Info: Have to be connected to platform. Score is submitted on death.
  • 6) How can I recover my account and/or old account?
+Info: In launch screen, before tapping Continue, there's a menu on the bottom left. Restore my game user. If they have the old ID and password, use that. If not, try the other option. If that also doesn't work, contact Nussy at
  • 7) Where can I check my in-game status?
  • 7.1) Does modifying a job in lab/contracts applies change on my character that is currently alive ?
No, any modifications that are made outside the run will not modify your current run.
  • 8) What are the best purchases to make in the gold shard shop?
  • 9) What s PvP made for?
  • 10) How to calculate Damage output?
  • VI : Grind types:
  • Eternal Dark grind:
  • 11) Where can I find Eternal Dark ? How it's works? How can I make it permanent on my run?
Link 1
  • 11.1) Eternal Dark can be dissected from Alien Observer:
(Tiger's hole: 100 Floor boss) (Trials: 100 Floor boss)
Link 2
(See section 16 for Capture/Dissection Monster tutorial)
  • 11.2) Also, you can grind "Eternal Dark lab part" from "Conquest/Disaster bosses" fights (✓) in Weekly Ex or high difficult weekly/stages.
    (See section 14 for fast grind tutorial).
(✓) It's means after defeat the Conquest/Disaster boss in Weekly Ex, the lab part reward can randomly drop Eternal dark.
  • SoulStone Grind tutorial and Build:
  • 12) How can I get more Soulstone?
  • Dried Leaves grind:
  • 13) How can I get Dried Leaves?
Discord section for this question:
  • Lab Part grind:
  • 14) How can I get more specific Lab Parts or Lab parts and/or have a faster grind of it?
  • Disasters and Seed of Disaster grind:
  • 15) How can I find Disasters boss?
  • 15.1) How can I get Seeds of Disaster?
  • VII : Capture and Dissection:
  • 16) What is Dissection and what is it for?
  • 16.1) Some monsters I use Dissection doesn't work, why?
(Check the comments section for "List of Lab parts that can be obtained or not through Dissection")
On Discord Channel:
There's a more detailed guide that can be accessed by typing "!mb2 r dissect" in the #botspam-music channel of the server. Also check the very latest #general-game-discussion pin by Kenneth for more info on this, and a little technique + example.
  • 16.2) How can I capture Monster? What's the best way to do it?
  • VIII : Status Ailment and Status Questions:
  • 17) What is Curse/Curse Effects ?
They make your character weaker in some way, but boost score gains.
Most can be countered/negates.
Some are rather useful (Bael and others).
Full info in Unofficial Game Guide > Curses Tab.
  • 18) How can I prevent Paralyse (or nightmare), Grudge and Slow from bosses and monsters?
  • 18.1) To prevent Paralyse/Slow from Grudge/Nightmare (Use Fleet-Footed). One Rope reverse the Stun/Cooldowns effect.
  • 18.2) Fleet-Footed counteracts the Pact of the Sun penalty.
  • 19) What is Dead End?
+Info: Dead End deals damage to the enemy equivalent to their current HP+Shield, up to 9,999,999.
  • 20) How to prevent Petrification/Evil Eyes?
  • 20.1) Can permanent petrification be removed? Can other permanent ailment statuses be removed?
Permanent status ailment can NOT be removed.
Only temporary statuses (which have time effect - turn) can be removed (cured).
  • 21) How can I prevent Confusion?
Willpower prevents all sources of Confusion and Insanity.
  • IX : Equipament Questions:
  • 22) How to prevent equipament Degradation?
  • 23) How can I unlock Equipament list?
  • 24) How Eternal dark work?
(See section 11)
  • 25) How can I upgrade Skills on my equipaments?
  • 26) How Demon forged equipaments work?
  • X : Amulets and Contracts Questions:
  • 27) What is Amulets and contracts?
  • Amulets:
Amulets are skills that you can take.
There are +300 normal Amulets that you can buy with Soulstone.
The Amulets are also bought through Soulstone (these are the common ones in the game).
Special and exclusive Amulets are obtained through exchanges/events.
  • Contracts:
Contracts are like lab parts; permanent effects that you take on your character.
You can Find Contract during the game.
Special and exclusive Contracts are obtained through exchanges/events.
  • Is it possible to fusion contracts?
Yes, through the Operating Room. You can merge up to 5 contracts in 1.They can be merged together, and this action isn't reversible.
  • What is the method to get/purchase Amulets and contracts:
To buy contracts and Amulets as much as you want with Soulstone, use the Soulstone grind method, Infinite Soulstone (Soulstone grind build See section 12).
  • XI : Skills Questions:
  • 28) What's the % chance to blocks with barriers?
50% chance to block (for a single barrier) hit, 95% chance to block status.
  • 29) How does Pursuit work and what is it for?
  • Remote Damage function:
  • 30) How does Remote Damage work? What can it deny? What you can add to it?
Remote damage types: Pursuit, Reflect, Hidden Blade, Tsunami, Dragon Fire/Throw Shuriken/Hidden Fairy/Brilliant Flare and Big Wave skill.
  • 31) What is Blood armor for? What are its pros and cons?
  • 32) How can i bypass Limits in game?
  • For damage: Crits bypass Damage limits.
  • Status: Use Pollution.
  • Hp: Hp boost.
  • Shield: Shield boost.
  • Buff amount caps at limits, but can stack together (9999+9999+...)
  • Barriers need Limit Break (LB)
  • Dead Ends (Skill) are not affected by limits.
  • 32.1) How Limit Break works?
Limits exist on a lot of number-based mechanics: Status, HP, Shield, damage are limited at 9999; barriers at 9.
  • Limit Breaks let you bypass these limits.
  • For those first few the limit goes up to 99999 at LB, 999999 at LB+2, and to the highest and absolute cap of 9999999 at LB+4. Barriers go to 99, then 999, then cap at 9999.
  • 33) How does Accuracy work and what is it for? Some Monster are Avoiding/Parrying my Attacks, why?
  • Accuracy = Chance of Hit.
To have constant hits, you need to be above 100% or more accuracy.
Each Skill in the game has its own hit percentage (HIT), in case you do NOT have an accuracy buff, your accuracy (or hit chance) will be equal to the skill you are using.
Skill: Attack
Power: 100
Hit: 90
Without buff, your accuracy will be equal to the skill you are using, in this case 90.
With accuracy buff, Eagle eye or other skill, you will add accuracy (hit chance) to the HIT of the skill you are using.
Skill: Attack
Power: 100
Hit: 90
Using Eagle eye (+25% accuracy):
90% + 25% = 115% accuracy.
Note: 100 Hit isn't 100% Accuracy. It's closer to maybe 70% assuming no external factors. But this is NOT a linear scale; the only "sure" value is that 1000 Hit = 100% accuracy sure hit no matter (what except Pupa).
  • 33.1) Some Bosses/Monsters use Avoid, Parry, Barrier, Shields, Reflect and Poison Needle to deny/Reflect their hit even with a high hit, in this case use these skills or buffs:
  • To negate BarrieShield/Poison Needle use:
Penetrate: Denies Barrier, Shield, Poison Needle and gives direct damage to HP.
Example: Piercing Stance
  • To Backfire Reflect:
Mirror: Completely return mirror attacks.
  • To negate Avoid or Parry use:
Tracking: Your attack Ignore Parry and Avoid.
Example: Eagle Eye
  • Other skills also steal buffs from the enemy (Barriers, shields, buffs, etc) and Dispell enemy buffs:
Example: MirrorShape
  • XII : Any strong BUILD?
  • The Ridiculous Angel (by Sudai) Angel build
  • Starter Priest "build" and guide that beats Laby 25F easily:
  • The Immortal Poisonous Dark Elf build: Dark Elf Build
  • The Pursuit Dark Knight:
    [Pursuit Angel build + Dark Knight] by u/NmareBB
  • XIII : Info, Staff and Acknowledgement.
  • Game: BuriedBornes 1
  • Game Developer: Nussygame
Participating communities - Information Source:
  • Unofficial BuriedBornes Guide.
  • BuriedBornes Discord Community.
  • BuriedBornes Reddit Community.
  • BuriedBornes Fandom.
  • Editor: u/DMXIII
  • Reviewer - Advisor: u/The_Legend120
Discord community Members who helped with construction and information:
And thanks to (Arfonzo) for adding this pole to refs in the discord community. This will help the community even more!
Again, thanks to all the members of all communitys who made it possible for this game to become more fun and more understood, without you guys, we would be more lost than the run without Scout.
Also, thanks Nussygame for making this wonderful game, one of the best RPGs ever made, which after years of playing, we are still learning more and more information!
  • Informations about Buriedbornes 2 :
submitted by DMXIII to buriedbornes [link] [comments]

Watched 'I Want To Eat Your Pancreas' Last Night...

So I've been making my way through anime movies during my winter break from college. I watched Your Name a few months ago and A Silent Voice a year ago, and that was really the extent of my movie viewing.
In the past week or so I've watched Weathering With You, The Garden of Words, In This Corner of The World, and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas.
As I pulled up the movie last night to watch I was not really expecting that much and it was absolutely amazing. Usually during movies I'm checking the time a lot to see how much there was left but I never felt the need to check here, I was constantly engaged by the interaction between the two characters. I can tell this movie isn't for everyone but it really kept my attention the whole time.
The male lead being nameless was something really cool, i usually forget the names of these movie characters a lot so the fact that they made it a revealed it all the more interesting and more memorable to me. The male lead as a character was super interesting to me. He wasn't your ordinary "I hate the world" edgy guy with no friends although thats what he initially he seemed to be. He's genuinely super introverted and antisocial because he chooses to be. The whole thing about just deciding what other people think of you without talking to them is something I can relate to a little, it's a pretty natural thing to do. The way he learns from Sakura was so fun to watch and it felt realistic that he was slowly changed by her.
Sakura had a lot going on underneath the surface too and she was electric on screen and super fun to watch. When they finally revealed how she died I was shocked. I'm usually really good at noticing those Chekhov's Guns in these movies that pay off later but I completely forgot about those news reports. I remember seeing the trailer for this a long time ago and like many others thought it was just a movie where the girl with the illness dies because of it and the viewer is supposed to be sad. But the fact that it wasn't the illness that took her was probably one of the greatest subversions I've ever seen. It's also when I started shedding tears which I don't do often with character deaths. What got me the most is when Haruki asked her mother if he could cry. Something about seeing others dealing with loss is always more sad to me than loss itself.
Overall, I loved this movie so so much. More than I was expecting. I just wanted to share my thoughts :)
submitted by JoeSantoasty to anime [link] [comments]

Campaign Hero Backstories

I had this posted over on the Imperial Assault Forums but seeing as they got shut down and I never posted the stories here, I figured I would share them with you folks. Browse them if you get the time and let me know what you think.
I highly recommend you read the extended versions I have written (each character gets a least a page of backstory) if you'd like to learn more about my interpretations of the characters:

Here is the shorter version should you wish to use them in your games:

submitted by The_Lonestar_Hero to ImperialAssaultTMG [link] [comments]

I’ve been binging Anime movies. Here is what I think

Alright so usually I only watch shows when it comes to anime! I realized that I have been missing out on some Incredible stuff, here is some of my opinions on what I watched!
Silent Voice- My favorite scene maybe in anything I’ve watched! No spoilers but it’s after the firework scene, involving a window 👀 Didn’t cry during this.
Your Name- Makoto gives me a Christopher Nolan vibe. Hear me out here, it seems that his recent two movies deal with “other worlds” and it’s done perfectly. Music 10/10. Cried during this
Weathering with you- I actually liked this slightly more than Your Name. Animation scenes with the rain fish..... Absolute perfection. Didn’t cry during this.
I want to eat your pancreas- Wow. Talk about emotion. I am shocked that in just under 2 hours they turned a boring, gloomy character into someone who had SO much emotion. Cried during this several times. The ending w sakuras mom. Weeping.
Promare- FUCKING AWESOME. Loved it, fun, bright energetic. Animation was amazing, story was all Over the place but who cares
Redline- My favorite Anime movie to date. I mean it’s perfect in my eyes! Speed racer meets cowboy bebop. 10000/10
If you have suggestions, lemme hear em! More so let me know if you’ve seen these movies and your thoughts!
submitted by HahaVince to anime [link] [comments]

The Reason why Clovis made the Exo's, why it had to be done on Europa, and the explicit utility in forgetting their past memories

Now, I know that theories on the Exo have been dime a dozen since the Beyond Light reveal, however, I believe that we can determine a lot about the purpose of the Exos' creation and why it had to be on Europa, with evidence as old as Destiny 1's Creation Screen.
The Original Lore for Exo's Back in Destiny 1's character creation screen claimed that Exo's were
"Built during humanity's Golden Age for a long forgotten struggle"
This makes sense in that they were also originally described as "Tireless War Machines" back in 2013 when they were initially revealed as a playable race in the world of Destiny.
Here's the problem: The Golden Age is characterized as such - in part - by the fact that there were no wars during that time period for humanity. This begs the immediate question of 'What war were the Exos built for then?"
We know for a fact that Clovis was fighting 'a secret war with the vex' to some degree, as confirmed by Kuang Xuan's Lore book given in the Collector's Edition:
Do we have an ethical duty to break that agreement? If we have discovered a clue to the Traveler’s origins, certainly yes! Clovis Bray has buried its war against the Vex under a sarcophagus of secrecy an “existentially compromising information hazard”
What interesting about Kuang Xuan's Logbook is that it confirms a few other things for us, namely:
1. Warmongering in a time of Peace
Clovis was at the very least aware of the potential threat that was the Vex, if not actively engaged in direct conflict with them.
Clovis, at some point during the Golden Age, began to shift massive amounts of resources into militarized research and technologies: they developed the Warmind networks from simple surveillance satellites into what eventually became Rasputin; they created a series of weapons bunkers and the so-called 'Seraph Tech' so safe guard humanity from.....something....and they created the Exo's...for a 'long forgotten conflict'.....Seems strange to devote so much time and resources across a species during a time of peace and prosperity don't you think?
2. Which came first: The Pyramid or DSC?
Clovis also had vested interest in the Vex on Venus, The Artifact discovered on the Moon, and sent loads of resources to the edge of the System after confiscating the Artifact from Kuang Xuan's Team because the moon artifact was broadcasting a message to the outer part of the solar system.
Now we already know from trailers that the Vex likely have SOME kind of connection to the creation of the Exo, whether it be inspiration for their design, a part of the actual Exo-creation-transferance process, motivation due to the aforementioned secret war effort, who knows. What we do know is that this all culminates on the outer part of the Solar System: Europa, but WHY?!
Now Europa seems like a Strange place for Clovis to devote their resources to; its an un-terraformed moon that's barely inhabitable and is far-out from any of their other locations and bases of operations meaning its hard to move supplies to and from; so what caused them to go to Europa? 2 Things are on Europa besides the Clovis Facility: The Pyramid and the Pyramidion.
Now at this point, one must beg the question, which came to Europa first: the pyramid or Clovis? While tempted to say Clovis came first during the Golden Age and that the pyramid came later during say, Season of Arrivals, remember that each and every Pyramid which came in this past Season was already activated, flying about, and impervious to damage and weathering. Compare that to the Pyramid ship on Europa, which is shown to be not only deactivated (as it appears to reactivate and light up in the trailer in the same way which the other Pyramid ships are ALREADY lit up AND in the same way that the moon's pyramid 'woke up'), but its also buried in hundreds if not thousands of feet of ice, barely poking its head out on the surface. It seems to be that the pyramid on Europa did not in fact come with the rest of the arrivals in this season, rather, it seems as though the Europa Pyramid has been long buried and inactive, just as the one on our own moon was....This leads us to the third and final point....
3. Existential Awareness of Existential Threats
Clovis's Secrecy was due to - what they called - an "existentially comprising hazard". What the hell could be existentially compromising when we already know of the Traveler?
What could possibly constitute as a 'existentially compromising hazard'?- oh ,I don't know, perhaps knowledge of the whereabouts of a Pyramid in our solar system, the antithesis to our very own Traveler, and that which has hunted it across the universe since the dawn of time and space - perhaps the knowledge that this ship is an embodied extension of the fundamental force that created our entire universe?!..that may or may not be a little existentially compromising for humanity to know.
Furthermore, Clovis became very aware of the arrival of the Vex in our solar system after the arrival of the Traveler during the Golden Age - as per Maya Sundaresh's research (among others) at the Ishtar Collective. However the Vex merely appeared and built massive computation machines the sizes of planets that were centuries old over seemingly over night, and did almost nothing else; why would they do that, how does it relate to the Traveler and the Pyramid, and why would this send Clovis to Europa?
The Purpose of the Exo and the Motivation for their Creation
What we know about the Exo is that:
Now that last bullet point is very interesting and very crucial. As we know, Exo's must reset their memories when they are created, as well as periodically throughout their lives. This does not - however - hamper their skills in communication, combat, tradeskills such as weaponsmithing, or just about any impersonal skill, even if they are reset 44 times, their skills always remain even if their ability to maintain object permanence does not (eyes on you Banshee). BUT, aren't Exo supposed to be soldiers to fight a war? What good are soldiers who can't remember themselves, where they've been, or who they've known? What about knowing your allies, your commanders, or your past orders? Sure combative skills are useful, but without a doubt, so too are personal memories and experiences, even if its just a battle-to-battle account of personal memories, having an identity and memories would serve and objective function and USE in an army of soldiers.....unless....your memories were your not your strength.....UNLESS your memories were your weakness and instead were your enemies' strength.....UNLESS YOUR MEMORIES ARE THE ONE EXPLOITIVE POWER THAT YOUR ENEMY CAN USE AGAINST YOU.
NOW....what enemies do we know of that EXPLICITELY use OUR OWN MEMORIES AGAINST us in combat???....that's right...THE PYRAMID SHIPS! Everything from the haunting phantasms of fallen fireteams to the ghoulish nightmares of our slain enemies. The pyramid'S USE OUR MEMORIES AGAINST US; they even exploits this weakness when communing with us, constantly reminding us of our fallen Cayde and the failures of his fireteam to help him.
....So....if your own memories are your weakness and the strength of your enemies, then the only way to fight your enemy is to remove ALL of your memories and CREATE AN ARMY OF SOLDIERS EXPLICITELY PROGRAMMED SOLDIERS TO FORGET EVERY PERSONAL MEMORY THEY HAVE. An army of such soldiers would become the PERFECT weapon against such a foe.
SO wrapping this up, we know, that CLOVIS KNEW about the pyramid (or at least its artifact and the nightmarish effects on Kuang Xuan and his crew, since they advise he surrender the artifact to alleviate his crew's traumas) AND they knew about the vex technology and appearance of their structures AND created an army of soldiers programmed to forget their memories, the creation facility for such an army is, btw, NEXT TO A PYRAMID WHICH CAN WEAPONIZE YOUR MEMORIES AGAINST YOU IN A TANGIBLE FORM.
1 last thing that I think people will appreciate and eat up.
"The Deep" Stone Crypt:
What's with the name? The Deep Stone Crypt? Clovis isn't know for their meaningless names, no, all of their names are functional and codified to represent something like what does the name mean?
Well, our ontological foe goes by many names: the Pyramids to our Traveler, The Winnower to our Gardener, the Darkness to our Light....but there's one name that prevails more commonly than the others...Oryx and the Hive refer to our enemy this way.....The Worm Gods and Ahamkara refer to our enemy this way.... The Awoken refer to our enemy this way....for the opposite of that which is SKY is that which is DEEP.
Therefore, I present to you, that the DSC isn't just 'the-deep-stone-crypt', which is buried 'deep' beneath the ice, no! It is infact "THE DEEP - Stone Crypt".
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Tear this apart in the comments; i didn't have time to source and cite everything like I wanted to because I got caught up with a Philosophy Paper for Zoom-University.
submitted by Pwnda123 to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

A few Questions that I’m hoping some will answer.

So I decided to finally watch Your name and Weathering with you and I wish I watched them sooner.
I really enjoyed Weathering with you and thought it was fantastic. The animation and soundtrack were so well done. I really enjoyed Hakoda and Hina’s relationship and how it developed. I also really liked how Hokada worked hard for 3 years so he could finally see Hina again. The meaning of the continuous rain Tokyo really showed me how much Hakoda would sacrifice for Hina, really makes you think how much your willing to do for your own loved one.
So I just wanted to ask the next movie is gonna be based in the flooded Tokyo right? I heard that somewhere so I though I ask. Also do you think there will be a time skip for the next characters and do you think we will have cameos like we had in WWY? Thanks
submitted by AmbitionXI to Tenkinoko [link] [comments]

I saw 44 movies in theaters in 2020. Here is my full ranking.

I haven't been since March due to COVID and I'm a couple days late, but I still managed to watch 44 movies in theaters this year before I stopped going, and this is my ranking from favorite to least favorite. Under regular circumstances, I usually try to go 3-5 times per week, keeping track of movies, dates, ratings, etc, along with ticket stubs. My list from 2018 list had 162, and my list from 2019 had 192, if anyone wants to check those out. I saw 140 in 2017, 9 in 2016, and 5 in 2015 but didn't make lists for those. This year was obviously very different. My original goal for this year was to finally hit 200 (and I was mostly on track to, saw 44 in the first 72 days), but obviously that was cut short because of COVID. My plans/goal to attend Miami Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival, my first film festivals, also were cancelled.
I debated even doing a list this year because I haven’t been since late March and this seemed pointless (and depressing), but I think it’s good to still keep it going regardless and might be interesting to look back at once it’s all said and done. Also, keep in mind that January/February/March releases aren’t usually the strongest (January is a dumping ground, February is usually mostly previous-year holdovers and award expansions for movies I’ve already seen, and March is too early for most award contenders). Because of that, this list will be missing pretty much all of this year’s awards contenders, and have some of 2019’s movies that I saw late.
My first movie of the year in theaters was Little Women (on 1/1/20) and my last movie of the year was Balloon (3/19/20). So yeah, this list will not be nearly as expansive as my previous ones. I don’t really expect for anyone to care this year, with everything going on. There are much better non-theater lists out there, that more accurately & comprehensively reflect the full year.
Disclaimer: My ratings are mostly just on an enjoyment scale for me personally. It’s not meant to be super-serious. I don’t keep a specific checklist to give out scores, I am not a professional critic. I’m just some dude that writes down a score on a notepad when I walk out of the theater. I sometimes re-adjust scores if I end up re-watching them. Here is the list:
Portrait of a Lady On Fire - 10/10 – Probably enough has already been said about this movie. I can’t add anything that wouldn’t be redundant. Just watch it.
1917 - 9/10
Les Miserables - 9/10 - Overshadowed by Portrait of a Lady on Fire as far as French movies this year go (and got a lot of hate for being the Foreign Language submission), but it's totally deserved. Seat-clutching final act brings this to another level. It reminded me a lot of La Haine.
Beanpole - 9/10 – The most emotionally-crushing movie of the year for sure. This movie starts suffocating you from the first scene and doesn’t let go until you’ve lost all faith in mankind by the end of it. It’s amazing. Wonderfully shot (the colors especially) and perfectly acted. Movies set in post-WW2 Europe tend to all look the same, like bland, stuffy period pieces, but this one’s unique. Reminded me a lot of Andrey Zvyagintsev’s work, who is a top 5 director for me. Shame this was ignored by the Academy for Foreign Language, but it was a pretty stacked year.
Invisible Life - 9/10
The Assistant - 8/10“Underrated” and “underseen” are 2 annoying and overused words, especially on this sub, but I think this movie truthfully deserves both. Perfect movie to represent a Weinstein-like studio. Loved how they never showed the antagonist. I loved the movie-industry-lingo and references they used and made. Amazing, low-key performance by Julia Garner, I thought this would be her breakout film, but it was ignored.
Little Women - 8/10Only movie I went to see twice this year. Great director from Gerwig (snubbed for an Oscar nom) and the best score of the year from Alexandre Desplat. Top-notch costumes. Ronan and Chalamet amazing as always. No other scene in 2020 made me more giddy and happy than the Jo & Laurie dance scene set to Dvorak: String Quartet No. 12 on the porch. I could watch it on an infinite loop forever. May be my favorite scene of the year in any movie.
Invisible Man - 8/10
The Lodge - 8/10Best straight-up horror film of the year. Keeps you guessing and is honestly pretty fucked up. Don’t want to spoil anything.
Just Mercy - 8/10
Honeyland - 8/10 – The best documentary of the year. It’s more a documentary-drama than a straight-up documentary though, it tells a full-fledged narrative story. Shows you a tiny part of the world that you would never even think about.
The Gentlemen - 8/10 – Not quite up to the classic Guy Ritchie crime-comedies, but this was a fun time. Saw it in a 100% packed theater and might be the most fun time I had in a theater in 2020.
And Then We Danced - 8/10 – Gorgeous movie. Best use of lighting I’ve seen in a movie in a long time. I know that’s a pretty specific compliment but I noticed it every few minutes. Combine that with amazing dance sequences, several beautiful long-takes, and unique camera perspectives.
Tremblores - 7/10
Emma. - 7/10 – Solid Jane Austen adaptation. Hilarious at times, grating at others. I would definitely suggest Clueless and Love & Friendship instead if you wanted an Austen movie, but this was a good comedy in a year full of bad comedies.
Underwater - 7/10 – Went in with extremely-low expectations but this turned out to be a pretty enjoyable little sci-fi horror-thriller hybrid. It’s dumb, it’s fun, it’s underwater. It’s The Meg of this year. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and the set-pieces were nice. The characters are all cliché and already done a thousand times each, sometimes in better movies, but it works. I’d suggest this movie after a few beers.
Ordinary Love - 7/10
The Rhythm Section - 7/10 – This movie got a lot of shit online for it’s abysmal box office ($2.8M opening on a $50M budget, oof) and it got trashed by critics, but I actually enjoyed it. There’s been so many ‘assassin out for revenge’ movies recently (thanks, John Wick), that it’s become it’s own saturated genre, but I thought this was solid. The fight choreography was a highlight and Blake Lively was clearly full-on committed. Unfortunate it flopped so hard.
The Way Back - 7/10 – Solid, throwback sports-drama, reminded me of when they came out every other week in the 2000s (Coach Carter, Remember the Titans, etc). Good (and meta) performance from Ben Affleck.
Bad Boys For Life - 7/10
Onward - 7/10
Clemency - 7/10 – Maybe the most disappointing film of the year for me. Went in super-hyped (this movie had some awards buzz early on, especially for the two leads), but it was completely toothless. The two leads were indeed pretty great (keeping this rating decent), but the rest didn’t keep up with them. There’s like other movies out there about this subject that are better (including another one this year, Just Mercy).
Birds of Prey - 7/10
Greed - 7/10 – Bloated and tone was all over the place, but the sharp writing made up for it. Probably just watch The Big Short or something like that instead though. The mockumentary aspect didn't really work. Funny though.
Seberg - 7/10
The Photograph - 7/10 - Really loved the chemistry between Lakeith Stanfield and Issa Rae. A bit too long and contrived though.
Those Who Remained - 6/10
Weathering With You - 6/10
Sonic the Hedgehog - 6/10 – The Jim Carrey dance sequence was the best part. Everything else is just okay, maybe too childish for what I wanted (yes, I know it’s a Sonic movie). Way too much product placement.
The Call of the Wild - 6/10
The Song of Names - 5/10 – Boring. The only thing keeping this movie from a lower score was Clive Owen’s hilariously-bad Fake Movie Beard™ making me laugh so goddamn hard. It honestly carried this movie. It probably beats last year’s Chris Pratt Fake Movie Beard™ from The Kid.
The Traitor - 5/10
Balloon – 5/10
Jose - 4/10
Downhill - 4/10 – Everything is dumb-downed and over-explained (checks every cliche of a bad American remake of a layered international film). There's 0 nuance in the dialogue, subtle as a brick (far removed from The Descendants for Faxon/Rash). I thought Julia Louis-Dreyfus was actually really bad in this (in the original, the lead actress absolutely carried the movie, in this one not so much. She just basically makes over-exaggerated facial reactions to Will Ferrell for 90 minutes straight). The kid characters were basically just cardboard cutouts in this (whereas in the original they actually had depth and served a huge purpose). They could've easily not been there in this movie. Most importantly, I missed the theme song/sound from the original.
Gretel & Hansel - 4/10 – This movie is the definition of “style over substance”. It’s soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwww. Honestly the longest 88 minutes of my life. Don’t get me wrong, it did look beautiful (liked The Witch), and the creepy-forest vibe was there, but it’s so hollow. This movie was built to make a good trailer, not a full length film.
Fantasy Island - 4/10
Recorder: Marion Stokes - 4/10 – I almost never rate documentaries this low, but this movie just didn’t make me interested in the subject. It never connects. By the end, you kinda just dislike Marion Stokes. It’s overly-biased and too long.
The Last Full Measure - 3/10 – This one’s weird. I don’t know how a movie like this even gets made. It looked and felt like a cheap Sunday-afternoon Lifetime movie made for $500,000 from an unknown director, but somehow lands an insane cast of Sebastian Stan, Samuel L Jackson, William Hurt, Christopher Plummer, Peter Fonda (RIP), Ed Harris, and Diane Ladd (RIP). Like, how does that happen? The performances are wooden (looks like no one gave a shit) and there’s no emotion to the story. The “payoff” at the end sucks. Totally forgettable stuff.
Like A Boss - 2/10
Dolittle - 2/10 – I never fall asleep during a movie, but this was the closest I’ve been. Might’ve dozed off a few times. Total mess of a movie. Only thing keeping it from a 0/10 is that nice little animated intro thing. They should’ve just done an entirely-animated movie instead. Also, Robert Downey Jr’s accent, what the fuck? This should have just sat on a shelf until the sun exploded.
Beneath Us - 2/10 - It’s Get Out, but shitty.
Impractical Jokers: Movie - 1/10 – Should’ve been kept as a TV show. Embarrassing for everyone involved (including the audience).
Las Pildoras de Mi Novio - 1/10Do not watch this. Please. I didn’t even plan on seeing it, I wanted to see something else that ended up being sold out (I think Emma.), so I randomly went to this instead. I immediately regretted by decision. It’s just so mean-spirited, cheap, and dated. Borderline offensive. Nothing redeeming about it.
Some other stats:
Most Movie Theater Visits in One-Week Span: 8 (1/11/20 – 1/18/20): Bad Boys for Life, Invisible Life, Doolittle, Just Mercy, Underwater, 1917, The Song of Names, Tremblores
Movie Theater Visits by Month:
Longest Span Without Movie Theater Visit: 286 Days (3/20/20 – 12/31/20)
Average Rating: 6.27/10
On the non-theater front, I haven’t been doing much streaming viewing so I am not including those, might catch up soon, but for now I’ve been instead catching up on my DVD/Bluray backlog. I'm looking forward to catching up to Da 5 Bloods, Nomadland, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, I'm Your Woman, and others.
Since theater shutdowns, two of my favorite indie theaters have announced that they’re closing permanently so that sucks. The general anti-theater sentiment on this sub has been kind of a bummer too. Compared to the other problems people are having, not going to the theater is trivial and I feel selfish for even complaining, but I really can't wait to start going back again, without having to stress about my health or the health of others around me. I really miss it. Anyway, hoping for a better 2021 and a much bigger list next time.
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your name characters in weathering with you video

All characters and voice actors in the anime Weathering With You. Your Name took this one step further by including a few nods to his previous film, The Garden of Words, and a minor cameo from one of its characters. Rather than simply a passing reference to Your Name, Weathering With You also features a character cameo -- and a significant one, at that. It's from one of the film's central characters: Taki Tachibana. Taki is visiting his grandmother, Fumi, in Tokyo -- Makoto Shinkai S Weathering With You Includes Your Name . Vm On Twitter Cast Of Your Name In Weathering With You . How Weathering With You Connects To Your Name Biggest In . Makot WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Your Name and Weathering With You. It's a success story so straightforward, it's almost a legend at this point. After nearly a decade making acclaimed but too-experimental-to-be-successful films like The Garden of Words and Voices from a Distant Star, anime director/screenwriter Makoto Shinkai and his CoMix Films studio achieved blockbuster ... When you see them, it is not a quick three seconds of them passing by, in fact they actually have semi-important roles to the story. In a similar way that the teacher—Yukino—from 'The Garden of Words' makes a cameo as Mitsuha’s teacher in 'Your Name'; Taki, Mitsuha, Teshi, and Sayaka all have screen time in 'Weathering With You' If you remember in Weathering with You, towards the middle of the movie, Hodaka and Hina, the main characters of “Tenki no Ko” go about their weathering girl business. They visit an old woman who lives in a very traditional Japanese house as they reply to her request. Category:Characters Weathering With You Wiki Fandom. Games Movies TV Video. Wikis. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis Sign In Don't have an account? Register Start a Wiki. Weathering With You Wiki. 61 Pages. Add new page. Weathering With You . Movie Original Soundtrack. Voice of Wind; Celebration; Grand Escape; We'll Be Alright; Is There ... Katsuhiko and Sayaka (Weathering With You) Those two people are Katsuhiko and Sayaka. Just like Yotsuha, the voice actors are the same from Your Name and Weathering With You. So it is confirmed that those characters are in the movie. Godzilla, Aqua, and Hatsune Miku. While Your Name. characters appear prominently in Weathering With You, it should be noted that the resolution of this movie conflicts with Your Name.’s ending: the timeskip at the end of Weathering With You spanned from after August 22, 2021 to March 2024, during which it rained endlessly. Therefore, the reunion of Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, which happened on a sunny day in the Spring of 2022, is impossible. A few other minor characters from Your Name, namely Mitsuha’s friends Tessie and Sayaka, also appear during the climax of Weathering With You. Essentially, most of Weathering With You takes ...

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